A Baked Ham

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Book: A Baked Ham by Jessica Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Beck
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another thought,” I
said.   “What if Sandra did it
herself?   She claimed to be in the
bathroom, but who would notice the leading lady walking down the hall toward
Benny’s dressing room?   She could have
killed him, and then walked back to the bathroom without anyone knowing what
she’d just done.”
    “So, neither one of them has an
alibi, so they both need to stay on our list,” Moose said.   “Why don’t we ever get an easy murder to
solve?” my grandfather asked me.
    “Because if it was truly simple,
the sheriff could solve it without any help from either one of us.   At least we’ve got alibis for some of the
people we’ve talked to so far.”
    Moose just shrugged.   “Sure, but I’m not sure what they’re
worth.   Vern claims that he was at his
office, alone.   Amanda was busy, whatever
that means, and I have to assume that she was alone as well, or most likely she
would have told us.   Marcus just admitted
that he was alone in Sandra’s dressing room, and evidently Sandra was by
herself in the bathroom.   Not a single
one of these alibis can be confirmed by anyone .   It’s not much, if you ask me.”
    “Don’t get discouraged,
Moose.   We’re just getting started.”
    “I know that, but you have to
admit that it would be nice to be able to eliminate one of our suspects early on in our investigation.”
    “What fun would that be?” I said
as I looked at my watch.   It was nearly
eleven, and I was due back at work soon.   “I’m sorry to be a party-pooper, but I need to get back to the
diner.   My next shift is getting set to
    “I could always call Martha and
have her cover it for you.”
    “Thanks, but I wouldn’t know what
to do or who to talk to, even if we had more time.   I need some time to think
about what we’ve learned so far, and it wouldn’t hurt you to ponder a little,
    “Sure, that’s fine.   I understand.”
    My grandfather was giving in way
too easily.   What was he up to?   “Moose, what are you going to do once I get
back to work?   You’re not going to hunt
down any of our other suspects, are you?”
    “You’re the one freelancing at
the theater tonight without me,” Moose said.
    “That’s because you’ve already
worn out your welcome with Garret Wilkes.   Besides, I promised that I’d report to you as soon as I’m finished
tonight.   Promise me that you won’t get
yourself into any trouble.”
    He grinned that famous grin of
his before he said, “Victoria, don’t make me promise something I might not be
able to deliver.”   He stopped in front of
The Charming Moose and said, “Now, hop out or you’re going to be late.”
    I didn’t have much choice but to
do what he asked.   Besides, Greg was
inside starting his own shift at the diner, and I wanted a chance to say hello
to him before I had to get started on my next five-hour stint working the floor
as a waitress, cashier, and hostess.   Chances were, that wouldn’t leave me much time to think about what we’d
learned so far, but that was fine with me.   Being busy helping customers would allow my subconscious to keep
churning away on our murder investigation.
    At least that was the plan.  

    Chapter 6
    “Hey there, stranger,” Greg said
as he wrapped me up in a hug before I could get into the kitchen.   “I wasn’t sure you were going to make it back
in time for your shift.”
    “You should know me better than
that.   I haven’t been late in donkey
years,” I said as I laughed and pushed him away.   After I glanced at the clock, I said,
“Shouldn’t you be manning the grill now?”
    “I have one minute left,” Greg answered
with a smile.   “Besides, your mom won’t
mind if I’m a minute or two late, not if I’m kissing you.”
    Sometimes my husband got in a
playful mood, and far be it from me to stop him, but I also didn’t want to have
this exchange in front of our paying customers.   “You’re not getting a kiss

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