
Read Online Empire by Antonio Negri, Professor Michael Hardt - Free Book Online

Book: Empire by Antonio Negri, Professor Michael Hardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Antonio Negri, Professor Michael Hardt
Tags: General, Political, Political Science, Philosophy, American Government
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the entire biopolitical field, then we
    must consider communication and the biopolitical context coexis-
    tent. This takes us well beyond the old terrain as Ju¨rgen Habermas
    described it, for example. In fact, when Habermas developed the
    concept ofcommunicative action, demonstrating so powerfully its
    productive form and the ontological consequences deriving from
    T H E P O L I T I C A L C O N S T I T U T I O N O F T H E P R E S E N T
    that, he still relied on a standpoint outside these effects of globaliza-
    tion, a standpoint of life and truth that could oppose the informa-
    tional colonization ofbeing.26 The imperial machine, however,
    demonstrates that this external standpoint no longer exists. On
    the contrary, communicative production and the construction of
    imperial legitimation march hand in hand and can no longer be
    separated. The machine is self-validating, autopoietic—that is, sys-
    temic. It constructs social fabrics that evacuate or render ineffective
    any contradiction; it creates situations in which, before coercively
    neutralizing difference, seem to absorb it in an insignificant play of
    self-generating and self-regulating equilibria. As we have argued
    elsewhere, any juridical theory that addresses the conditions of
    postmodernity has to take into account this specifically communica-
    tive definition ofsocial production.27 The imperial machine lives
    by producing a context ofequilibria and/or reducing complexities,
    pretending to put forward a project of universal citizenship and
    toward this end intensifying the effectiveness of its intervention
    over every element ofthe communicative relationship, all the while
    dissolving identity and history in a completely postmodernist fash-
    ion.28 Contrary to the way many postmodernist accounts would
    have it, however, the imperial machine, far from eliminating master
    narratives, actually produces and reproduces them (ideological mas-
    ter narratives in particular) in order to validate and celebrate its
    own power.29 In this coincidence ofproduction through language,
    the linguistic production ofreality, and the language ofself
    validation resides a fundamental key to understanding the effective-
    ness, validity, and legitimation ofimperial right.
    This new framework of legitimacy includes new forms and new
    articulations of the exercise of legitimate force. During its formation, the new power must demonstrate the effectiveness of its force at
    the same time that the bases ofits legitimation are being constructed.
    In fact, the legitimacy of the new power is in part based directly
    on the effectiveness of its use of force.
    B I O P O L I T I C A L P R O D U C T I O N
    The way the effectiveness of the new power is demonstrated
    has nothing to do with the old international order that is slowly
    dying away; nor has it much use for the instruments the old order
    left behind. The deployments of the imperial machine are defined
    by a whole series ofnew characteristics, such as the unbounded
    terrain ofits activities, the singularization and symbolic localization
    ofits actions, and the connection ofrepressive action to all the
    aspects ofthe biopolitical structure ofsociety. For lack ofa better
    term we continue to call these ‘‘interventions.’’ This is merely a
    terminological and not a conceptual deficiency, for these are not
    really interventions into independent juridical territories but rather
    actions within a unified world by the ruling structure ofproduction
    and communication. In effect, intervention has been internalized
    and universalized. In the previous section we referred to both the
    structural means ofintervention that involve the deployments of
    monetary mechanisms and financial maneuvers over the transna-
    tional field ofinterdependent productive regimes and interventions
    in the field of communication and their effects on the legitimation
    ofthe system. Here we want to investigate the new f
    orms of

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