
Read Online Operation by Tony Ruggiero - Free Book Online

Book: Operation by Tony Ruggiero Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Ruggiero
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy, Vampires
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the sweet smile of revenge as she remembered the look of surprise on Alexander’s face all those many years ago as he watched his own blood squirt from the main artery in his neck.
    She wasted no time. Using the element of surprise, she pushed him over onto the ground and straddled him. She saw his precious blood spilling from the wide gash in his throat. She smiled momentarily and then put her face to his throat and tore at his flesh with her teeth while swallowing his blood in long satisfying gulps: Just as he had done to her.
    In those few seconds, she literally tasted her revenge against this man and against all the men that had abused and used her while thoughts of the perversity of the action was forced aside. There was something odd in the taste of the blood.
    She had tasted blood before, the sucking of a cut finger or a slice from something sharp on the inside of the mouth which produced the coppery sweet taste. But what was entering her mouth, what she tasted on her tongue, was much different. It was vile in some way she couldn’t describe, perhaps old and musty or…decayed. And it was cold.
    She could feel the cool liquid slide down her throat and into her belly. She imagined the process in her mind and saw the blood making its way through her bloodstream and heading to her heart. Along the way, the altered blood left a path of destruction within the body organs it came into contact with. The simplest explanation entered her mind with what was happening; the altered blood was in essence turning the organs off because they were no longer required. When it reached her heart, it felt as if someone had taken a sledgehammer and hit her with it in the chest. All the oxygen in her body seemed to escape, leaving her gasping for air.
    She leaned back up to a straddling position and looked down at the creature. His eyes were closed as if he were unconscious. The gash at his neck was still open and oozed blood but the flow had slackened considerably and was beginning to slowly close back up. Her body convulsed with another sledgehammer blow to the chest and she fell to one side of him and lay on the ground.
    She felt her breathing stop and she grew cold as her life passed away from her. Her eyes remained open and they were filled with the light from the full moon above. She remembered staring up at the silvery orb as she died and remembered how its image changed when she was reborn as a vampire. It appeared to be laughing at her in a mocking fashion as she gave up her life as a human being for the life of the undead.
    When she returned to consciousness, the moon had moved across the night sky and was no longer in her field of vision. She rolled over on her side and saw that she was not entirely alone. The man known as Alexander was no longer there. However, in his place sat a wolf on its haunches looking at her. It was a large wolf, weighing about eighty or ninety pounds and each panting exhalation showed its chest was massive. Its fur glowed in the moonlight and its eyes shone as they stared intently into hers. She could see the circular aspect of the creature’s irises clearly as they glimmered in their sockets. As if acknowledging she was awake and examining it, the wolf growled and bared its long, menacing teeth at her. They outlined the large mouth; saliva dripped and oozed between its pointed fangs.
    Normally she would have been scared at the predicament in which she found herself—now however, Christina felt nothing of the sort. Instead, she felt a surge of excitement course through her body. She thrilled with the anticipation of facing this creature in its own home but most of all she had the urge to kill. She wanted to kill the wolf—no, she had to kill the wolf. The beast growled and lunged for her.
    She effortlessly caught the animal in mid-air and grasped it by its throat holding it securely with her hands. She was not surprised by the strength that flowed through her. Then as if by some instinct she

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