One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

Read Online One Ride (The Hellions Ride) by Chelsea Camaron - Free Book Online

Book: One Ride (The Hellions Ride) by Chelsea Camaron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron
calling for a meeting in the cave.  An off schedule sermon with zero notice means trouble.  Considering our encounter with Don Juan Pablo and his troop, I would say we’re in some shit.  And they would be my target numero uno. 
    “What’s going on Tripp?”  Tank asks.  “I just got a text from my crew that sermon has been called immediately.  That means as soon as we pull in, everyone is waiting in the cave for us.  We’ve been followed.  And now you’ve got the look like someone killed your damn dog.”
    “I don’t have a clue man.  Roundman said hold the shipments tight.  Call the crew to catch up and every patched member is required at sermon.”
    “Hammer down son, let’s get home.”  Tank replies as he pushes the gas pedal.  Due to our lack of knowledge of what is contained in the trailer, we can only exceed the speed limit in places we know we won’t get pulled over.  Although we have most of the police stations in our back pockets and on our payroll, there are always those one or two cops that want to do everything by the books.
    Pulling into the lot, we quickly unhook, and secure our trailer.  My crew arrives, as well as the other two transport trucks.  We make our way inside the cave.  The room is bland, void of real decoration outside of the black and red of our colors.  The flags on the walls are Hellions insignias, and the few pictures in frames are our Hellions history living on through captured memories of previous events.  In the middle is a long rectangular table that seats sixteen.  Chairs along the walls fill the remaining space, with a large standing safe in the far back corner. 
    Tank is a Haywood’s Landing Hellion; he’s the Road Chief to be exact.  He takes his place at the long rectangular table.  Officers only at the table, patched members take the side seats along the walls of the room.  I take my seat beside Rex, four places down from Tank and six places down from Roundman.  As Prez and VP of our chapter, we get table seats.
    Roundman calls the sermon to order.  He sits there quietly, his age suddenly apparent to me.  Roundman is tall, built, and covered in ink, full sleeves that go up his neck.  His long graying hair pulled back and his goatee does nothing to hide the serious look crossing his face.  He’s fifty eight, but most days he carries himself with the agility and attitude of a much younger man, with a lifetime ahead of him.  The look he has in this moment is one of worry and one of age.  He’s obviously bothered by something.
    “Fellas, Oscar Delatorre has fallen ill.  He has passed his business dealings down to his son Felix Delatorre.  We’ve completed the first half of the transport under Felix’s command.  He does his business much differently than his father.”
    I shake my head, this cannot be good.  Sharing the specifics of business dealings with all the active members is definitely out of our normal procedures, big shit is going down.  Roundman takes this time to catch everyone up on the side business we have.
    “Bottom line, Felix is a control freak with some bigger issues.  He threatened not only Doll, but every Hellion woman.  He plays dirty boys, and needs to be taught a lesson.  He’s clever.  I underestimated him.  He came on board under a guise of being Oscar and the job was agreed upon long before I knew it wasn’t a job for Oscar, but one for Felix.  Therefore, we’re goin’ on lock down for families.  Pack your wives, girlfriends, moms and children.  Get them settled into the duplexes.  As for each of you, go to work, and be normal.  Set up a schedule so the compound is double or triple guarded now.  We’re going to complete the transport, as that is the business transaction.  Then we’re going to teach the fucker that Hellion women are off limits, even in conversation.  Danza, Tank, Tripp, Frisco, and Rex stay behind.  The rest of you are dismissed to pack your shit.  I want every

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