King's Passion

Read Online King's Passion by Adrianne Byrd - Free Book Online

Book: King's Passion by Adrianne Byrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Byrd
    â€œThen the answer is no. When I get through with Marcus and his hoochie momma—and even that lecherous club owner with the octopus arms—they’re going to wish that I’d hired a hit man to take them out of their misery.”
    The elevator dinged on the thirtieth floor and Victoria, with her anger renewed, marched out with her cousins rushing behind her. “Victoria, we didn’t mean to upset you.”
    â€œYou know what? Don’t worry about it. I’m just going to take a long shower, get some sleep and then we can just fly out in the morning,” Victoria said, sliding her card key into the lock. “I’ll just catch up with you two later.”
    â€œNo. Really. I’m tired and I would really like to get some sleep.” More like she was on the verge of crying again and wanted to make her escape before the first tear fell.
    â€œWell…all right,” Iris said, looking to her sister to see if she had any pearls of wisdom that would help the situation.
    Before Grace could open her mouth, Victoria was slamming her door closed. It was a good thing, too. Not two seconds later, two fat teardrops seeped from her lashes and rolled down her face. Why did she expect anyone to understand where she was coming from? They didn’t have every society page and blogger laughing and saying mean things about them.
    â€œBillion-dollar Bride Jilted at the Altar.”
    â€œRunaway Groom!”
    â€œMoney Can’t Buy You Love.”
    All she wanted was not to get hurt. She had been so meticulous and so careful that she didn’t understand how this whole thing blew up in her face. Marcus was not ambitious, he was unassuming and everything pointed to low drama. No. She didn’t love him. Love had nothing to do with their union. But she had thought that they’d grown fond of one another—friends, certainly. And that was the most important thing, according to her grandmother before she died. A woman’s looks faded with time, and sex was overrated. The secret to a long-lasting relationship was friendship—companionship. She thought that at least she had that with Marcus.
    Now she didn’t even know where the hell he was. But she had a detective on it and as soon as he reared his head, she was going to ruin him. In the meantime, she would take her frustrations out on the people she could find: the owners of The Dollhouse.
    Victoria closed her eyes and pulled in a deep breath. There was no point in getting herself all worked up again. But while she chugged in huge gulps of air, the image of Mr. King floated to the forefront of her mind and her body became all warm and tingly. He had to be at least six-four with the skin the color of a Hershey’s milk-chocolate bar. Just remembering its rich and smooth texture had her one cavity acting up.
    And his lips—not too big, not too small. They were just right and pillow soft. And the taste of his kiss…
    Victoria’s head drifted back while she emitted a long “Mmm.” But as soon as she heard herself, her eyes sprang back open and she glanced around to make sure that she was indeed alone.
    â€œGet a hold of yourself, Victoria.” She exhaled and then leaned to each side to remove her high heels. But as she moved around the large suite, forgetting about her sexy King proved hard to do. She remembered vividly his surprising speed. The way he’d pinned her back against the wall. That one brief moment of helplessness and his pure dominance over her still had a way of stealing her breath.
    When had she ever come up against a force that powerful? And why had that one act made her not only aware of being a woman, but conscious of a unique power she never wielded before? At a glance someone would’ve easily thought that he was in control, but she was certain that she was.
    As Victoria entered the bathroom and turned on the hot

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