On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4)

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Book: On Wicked Ground (Solsti Prophecy Book 4) by Sharon Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Kay
held up a small brown jar. “Our witches make this. It’s amazing and you won’t feel a thing.” She unscrewed the lid, dipped a sterile swab inside, then applied a minty smelling beige cream to Alina’s forehead.
    The dull ache of her injured skin stopped in seconds. Alina still had a killer headache, but she could deal with that if this miracle cream stopped the sting of the needle.
    “I’m going to get started.” Ashina adjusted her light. “Ready?”
    “Yes.” Alina gritted her teeth, expecting to feel some pinching and pulling, but Sonja was right. No pain at all.
    Ashina kept up a steady explanation of each step for her assistant, and in less than five minutes it was over.
    “Thank you, Sonja.” Ashina set all her supplies on a silver tray. “I’ve got it from here.”
    “Okay,” Sonja said cheerfully. “Call if you need me. This was an excellent break from computer coding.” She winked at Alina as she gathered all the used supplies. “That’s my real job.”
    Alina watched as the blond demoness left. Silence hung in the room, disturbed only by the hum of an autoclave sitting on a counter.
    “So.” Alina suddenly felt awkward. “When can I leave?” Damn. That sounded ungrateful. “I’m sorry. I mean, I really appreciate you helping me, and stitching me up.”
    Ashina tilted her head. “The pleasure is all mine. I’m never busy here, since these guys heal at the speed of light. But I think Caine wanted to say goodbye.”
    Oh, right . She probably should thank him for getting her out of a collapsing building. “Are my purse and phone around here somewhere?”
    The healer looked around, a tiny furrow between her eyebrows. “He didn’t bring anything, other than you.”
    “Crap.” There went her phone and money. Sebastian would be worried sick. “Can I use a phone? I need to call my dad.”
    Ashina shot her a funny look and opened her mouth. “Dad? Um…” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. Of course.” She plucked a cordless phone from its holder on the wall behind Alina. “I’ll be in the next room, but yell if you need me. Oh, and one other thing. Don’t let this bother you but…” Her eyes flicked to the doors and back. “There are two guards posted outside this room. It’s standard procedure when civilians are here.”
    “Okay.” That made sense. “Do civilians come here often?”
    Ashina gave a soft laugh and shook her head. “No. Hardly ever. But Arawn has a plan for everything.” She gathered her used supplies and walked through the swinging doors.
    Alina waited until the healer had left the room, then dropped her head back in exhaustion. Tonight was supposed to be about getting more money to pay for their temporary rooms, not draw the attention of several Lash demons and their leader. Sighing, she dialed Sebastian.
    It rang once…twice…Shit. He wouldn’t recognize the number, if one even came up on the display. Please pick up.
    A third ring…”Hello?” His voice came through, gruff and wary.
    “Dad.” Her shoulders sagged in relief at his familiar voice. “Dad, I’m okay.”
    “Alina! Where are you?”
    “Are you sitting down?” She flicked a chip of plaster off her pants.
    “What happened? Are you in a prison? Did you get caught?”
    “I’m at Lash Watcher headquarters.”
    “What? Good gods, what happened?”
    “It’s a long story.” And it’s not over yet . Her eyes roamed the white walls, stopping at a framed print of bright orange roses.
    “Now the Watchers are monitoring thefts? I don’t—”
    “No, they’re not involved in that.”
    “Then why are you there?”
    She sighed. “The short version is, a fight broke out at Hell’s Gate and I got hurt. I’m okay.” She hurried to get the words out, knowing he’d worry. “I guess I hit my head and blacked out, and there was a Watcher there, and he decided maybe I needed medical help, and he brought me here.”
    “I can’t wait to hear the long version,” Sebastian drawled.

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