Heart Song

Read Online Heart Song by Samantha LaFantasie - Free Book Online

Book: Heart Song by Samantha LaFantasie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha LaFantasie
lightly in the wind, sparkling in the sunlight as he stared into the distance.
    I stood, grabbing my clothes and moving to the other side of the window to change so he didn't see me. I pulled on the halter bodice and pants, quickly tying them and slipped on the boots. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to braid it back to keep it from falling into my face. I stepped lightly next to Marren. Memories from the night before crept into my mind.
    “Do you not trust me?”
    “What makes you ask that?” I didn't detect a hint of emotion.
    “Because I tried to leave my room last night and couldn't. The doors were locked. Then you acted like I committed a grave sin when you found me in the woods and lied to me on top of it.”
    He looked down at my hand and grabbed it to examine it. I had forgotten all about bruising it. The swelling was gone and a small ring of yellow-green was all that remained. He raised his eyebrows at me. “You hit the door?”
    “I was angry. Going back to that, do you not trust me?”
    “I had nothing to do with your doors being locked. The palace does and it was trying to protect you.”
    “From who?”
    “Me…my kind.”
    “What do you mean your kind?” I asked feeling flustered again.
    “Did you go through the book?”
    “Yes, I did. The entire thing. But I can't read any other language than Common and what was written in Common didn't make any sense.” I was trying my best to stay calm but the growing anger in me wouldn't fade. He was being so cold and distant.
    “I'll have a bath run for you. You should relax for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, I will start training you and answering the questions you still have.” Without another word he walked away.  I stayed on the balcony, letting the sun soak into my skin, dissolving the anger within me. The air carried with it a faint sweet blossomy smell that made me smile. The garden started to bloom.
    I turned to walk to the bathing room. When I stepped out the old servant woman was there smiling again. I smiled in return and in a thick accent she said, “Follow me.”
    We stopped at the bathing room. The smell of rose petals and lilacs wafted to me, making my head feel light. I watched as the woman set bottles of soap on the side of the tub and twisted a crank to stop the water from pouring into the bath that had puffed up bubbles. A quiet fizzing sound replaced the loud rush.  She bowed her head, still smiling, then left me to bathe in peace. 
    The water was hot, but felt good. I stepped to the middle of the tub, able to stand with the water up to my chest. I smoothed the suds over my body and slipped under the surface to wet my hair.  I swam to the edge, finding a ledge to sit on. I smelled each bottle of soap oil, finding one that was sweet and airy, like the garden, and poured the liquid on the top of my head. While I rinsed, I found myself captivated by the sky above me. I nestled up into a corner, laid my head back against the edge of the tub, and watched as the clouds floated by weightlessly.
    The servant woman appeared, holding onto a pile of clothing and towels. She helped me out of the tub and let me dry myself, but insisted on helping me dress despite my plea for her not to.
    The clothing was intricate. The sheer, white underdress had a fitted bodice that tied in the back. The dress was a stunning red that was soft, light, and felt like velvet. It laced up the back with a silk ribbon. The belled sleeves were adorned with clear crystals that caught and reflected the light in tiny beams of gold.
    The woman helped me into all of them, ending with a pair of slippers to match, and then brushed my hair. She pulled strands of hair from the sides of my head and added them to the thick braid in the back. A metal comb scratched my head as it slid in place above the braid. I touched it, feeling gems of different shapes and sizes, then turned to face the woman who beamed proudly. I felt extremely unworthy of the attention I was given.

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