Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God

Read Online Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God by Barry Gibbons - Free Book Online

Book: Omensent: Wrath of a Dragon God by Barry Gibbons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barry Gibbons
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others of what he had discovered.
"Just who is this Faldor anyway?" Raven asked in a tired voice.
"He's the head of one of the outlaw gangs that prey upon the people in the area. His gang is made up mostly of pick pockets, sneak thieves, and cattle rustlers, but there are a lot of them. His people are spread out through all of the towns and villages in the foothills, and they deliver the stolen goods they acquire to a remote plantation he maintains in an effort to look like a legitimate businessman."
"It sound s as though he may just be the man we're looking for." Dar chirped enthusiastically. "Do you happen to know where his plantation is located?"
The bearded thief shook his head. "I never bothered to take the time to try and cozy up to any of his men. He didn't seem worth the trouble."
"We're not even sure that the weapons are heading for his plantation anyway." Damion pointed out. "The teamster said that the weapons were scheduled to arrive at Faldor's place. He could have a number of different places in which he has goods delivered."
"I guess that means we're just going have to continue following the wagons until they reach their destination." Raven said with a shrug. "At least we now know the name of the man who is behind the shipments." She looked at Shirk. "Do you know of anyone who would be actively trying to hamper Faldor's activities?"
The thief scratched his beard thoughtfully. " It could be one of the other gang leaders. I'm sure that many of them would go out of their way to cause as much trouble for him as they could."
"Exactly how many of these outlaw gangs are there in the area?" Dar asked Shirk curiously.
"At least twenty. That changes from time to time, of course. Occasionally, one of the gangs will be killed or captured by the local guards. Other times, the gangs will fight amongst one another in an effort to reduce the competition."
"Is there any way to find out if any of them have been actively trying to ambush Ickor's caravans?" Damion asked, stretching out on his bedroll. Raven settled down next to him, snuggling close in an effort to stay warm.
"I guess I could try to send a request to a couple of the local gang leaders." Shirk sounded dubious. "If I explain why we are looking into Ickor's activities, they may grant me an audience."
Damion thought about this for a moment. "It may be our only chance of discovering who was behind the highwaymen that were ambushing the caravans. Once we reach the nearest village, I want you to try and contact a few of these gang leaders. In the mean time, Raven, Dar, and I will continue to follow the caravan until it reaches its destination. We can meet up at the crossroads that lie at the edge of the grasslands."
They continued to follow the slow moving caravan for the next several days, taking special care to remain far enough behind the wagons that they would not draw any suspicion from the teamsters or their mercenary escorts. Snowfeather spent a great deal of time circling high overhead of the plodding caravan, silently reporting to Damion whenever the teamsters slowed to rest the oxen, or stopped to make camp for the evening.
They were only a few days from reaching the foothills that bordered the mountain range, and the sun had just set, when Snowfeather suddenly came soaring back to the companions, his wings beating frantically. "The caravan is under attack !" He hooted frantically, swooping low over their heads. "At least thirty men! They were hiding in the underbrush near the side of the road! They have already killed several of the mercenaries that were protecting the wagons!"
Damion cursed viciously. "Highwaymen are attacking the caravan!"
"What do we do?" Raven asked anxiously. "We can't let bandits stop those wagons! They may be our only way to discover what this Faldor person has planned for the weapons!"
"But if we intercede, we won't be able to continue following them ." Shirk objected. "They'll never lead us to Faldor's plantation!"
"That's just a chance

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