Official Intelligent Beings: How Our Devices Became Us, And The World Consumed Itself

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Book: Official Intelligent Beings: How Our Devices Became Us, And The World Consumed Itself by Josh Greenfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josh Greenfield
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there tiger. I know you are hungry but I need these lips.”
    “Oh my web. I’m sorry. I didn’t… I thought it was food. I was just trying to…”
    She laughed. “It’s okay, I probably should have warned you. Now close your eyes and don’t bite me this time. Just do as I do. Let the motion of the world guide you.
    “Jagz closed his eyes again and let her lips touch his as he followed her movements.”
    He opened his eyes and saw that directly in front of his face were Shera’s perfectly beautiful and shining green eyes. After a brief moment of total peace, a peace that he always felt when he looked into her perfect eyes, he jumped back and let out a little scream, half shocked, half excited.
    “Oh come on, haven’t you ever kissed someone before?”
    “Why no. No. I actually have not. At least not in person. Only in the virtual simulated pleasure experience. I have never actually tasted lips before and lips so sweet, holy heaven, that was amazing!”
    “Aw Jagz, you are too cute. Do you know that? I could just squeeze you and…”
    “And kiss me again?”
    “Why yes I could. But I can tell just that first kiss was enough for one day. Let it soak in. Savor it. Never let that feeling go away.”
    Jagz fell back into the grass, smiling from cheek to cheek, wondering about nothing but his slow and steady breath.
    “In case you are wondering, I read your Quack. I’ve got to say, pretty intense stuff,” said Shera.
    He hadn’t been wondering. Being back with her made all of his wonders go away, like UrDg, but yet completely different.
    “Well life has been pretty intense, if you want to know the truth.”
    “Do tell, do tell, I’m always up for some good truth.”
    “Oh, I don’t know if this is something you would want to hear about. I’m not even really sure if I could express it in a way that it would make sense. In a way that you wouldn’t think I have completely lost my mind.”
    “Well now you have to tell me.”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Oh come on, you have to! Share and I’ll share something that I brought for you. It’s fresh like the orange we shared, but even better!”
    “You really know how to get to me in all of the right ways. All right, I’ll tell you. But you need to keep an open mind, and you can’t tell this to anyone.”
    “For you, I’m always open. Your words are safe with me.”
    “So this is going to sound strange, but recently I was called in to meet the President of Unified Webworks, Mr. Herd. Do you know who he is?”
    “President Herd? Of course, I mean who doesn’t? But why did he want to speak with you?”
    “Well, actually it wasn’t really him that wanted to speak with me. You see, oh web, I can’t believe I am actually sharing this with someone, it’s all too much.”
    “Jagz, I know we just recently met, but you can trust me. You know I read all of your previous Quacks last night and I felt this profound connection to you. Why do you think I kissed you?“
    “Yeah. Why did you?”
    “It was as if you pulled all of the thoughts out of my mind and took what I couldn’t share and released it into the world. Each Quack was more beautiful than the next. Your honesty, your passion, your desire for progressive thought, I’m all ears for you. Anything you say, I promise, is safe with me.”
    “Jagz couldn’t deny such a beautiful woman. The first woman to share her fresh fruit and lips with him had to be the first person he shared a secret that, until now, had kept him in a constant state of confusion.
    “Okay,” said Jagz. “This is going to sound strange as all hell and I don’t blame you if you run away but I’ve been dying to tell someone. But not just anyone. I too feel a strong connection to you. I trust you.”
    “Enough of your sweet talk. Hit me with the truth!”
    “All right. Well, the real reason that President Herd called me in was to show me something that can and most likely will shake up human existence, as we know it. He wanted me

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