Official Intelligent Beings: How Our Devices Became Us, And The World Consumed Itself

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Book: Official Intelligent Beings: How Our Devices Became Us, And The World Consumed Itself by Josh Greenfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josh Greenfield
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to meet a living,” He paused and squinted for a moment, “Alien.”
    “A what now? An Alien?”
    “I know it sounds absurd but,”
    “Like hell it does! Heck no. That is incredible! You met an actual Alien? Aliens exist? What? Please tell more, this is amazing!”
    “You mean to say that you believe me? Just like that?” Jagz was confused and utterly shocked.
    “Well yeah, of course I trust you. I can tell that you are not making this up. Besides, what would be the point? The most beautiful gift one can give another is not fruit, it is not even a kiss, it is the space to be honest, to feel heard, to be vulnerable, without any judgment or disbelief. A rare thing to have an honest and unique thought, I know, but it is still possible and it is the least I can do.”
    “Whoa, Shera. You are just so incredible, you know that? I’m beginning to feel things for you that I didn’t even think were possible.”
    “Aren’t you just a doll?”
    “Shera, you make me feel…”
    “Alright, enough of the sappy stuff. Now tell me everything you know and be sure to not leave out any details!”
    And so Jagz told her the whole story. He told her everything except for his encounter with the Official Intelligent Beings in his dreams. Those encounters, as far as he knew, were only his own supraconscious imagination.
    “That is, without question, the craziest most awesome and epic story that I have ever heard. Scary as all noneweb, of course, what with the plan for the Aliens to attack and all, but absolutely thrilling and breathtaking!”
    “You mean to say you aren’t concerned about their attack?”
                  “Well, like I said, scary as all noneweb but it also kind of turns me on.”
    “The world may very well be coming to an end and you are turned on? I think I am in love.”
    “Well, if it’s like you said and there is no hope for our future, we might as well enjoy the present moment.” Said Shera. She started to edge closer, slowly pulling him toward her as she began to kiss him. She slid her hand down his back, slowly but forcefully rubbing his spine. Her hand began to creep towards his pants and she undid his belt with one hand while taking off her dress with the other.
    “I want you inside me,” she gently whispered, passionately into his ear.
              Jagz, without the slightest notion that he had never made love to a woman, that he didn’t even know how to, let her voice guide his inner instinct as they united their beings into a haven of passion.
    They made passionate love in the park, surrounded by all of its infinite beauty, as if no one else existed but the two of them. Jagz didn’t even stop to consider what was going on, to stop and wonder if anyone was watching. He found his heaven on earth, even if it only lasted a whole three minutes.
    “Wow, that was kind of crazy,” said Jagz with the biggest smile as he rolled over on his back. “That felt kind of like taking UrDg, but more intense. I’ve never done anything like that before.”
    “Me neither,” replied Shera. “That was certainly a first, but hopefully not a last,” she grabbed his arm, straddled him with her legs and yanked him closer for another kiss. “I don’t know what came over me but that story was so exciting and exhilarating. Like nothing I have ever heard before, nothing I could have imagined. You are in possession of the greatest information that this world has ever known and it just makes me want to be so close with you.”
    “That may be true, but, in this moment, nothing else seems to matter.”
    “I know, but you have to spread the word. You can’t keep this in! Your following needs to know. It could change everything!”
    “That’s what I’m afraid of. I have no idea what to do, what sharing this information might do. I’m lost. I can’t help but think that people aren’t ready for this. That this information will just cause panic and fear amongst my followers. At best, I

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