Not Happily Married in Hollywood: Not in Hollywood Book 2

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Book: Not Happily Married in Hollywood: Not in Hollywood Book 2 by Leonie Gant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leonie Gant
had. “You
found the body.”
    I nodded, not game to answer.
    “Get pulled in by the cops for questioning?” he asked.
    “Yes” I said.
    “Know the name of the cops who pulled you in.”
    “Jake Griffin and Liza Ramos” I said. I was looking at him
so I noticed the stormy look in his eyes at the mention of Griffin’s name.
    “You know Griffin” I ventured.
    “Yes” said Cooper, “he was my partner when I first made it
to detective, before I left the force.”
    “Doesn’t sound like there are fond memories” I said watching
him carefully.
    “Let’s just say that I learned that it was better to rely on
myself than to depend on someone else.” Cooper said.
    “Someone else being Griffin?” I persisted.
    “Kind of nosy aren’t you?” Cooper said as he tucked the
camera back in the bag and started up the car.
    “Just a little curious” I said trying to be casual but I
could see that Cooper was able to see right through me.
    “Oh honey” he said. “Let me give you a piece of advice. Jake
Griffin lives and breathes the LAPD. Nothing and no one comes before it. If you
have set your sights on him then you are going to be sadly disappointed. There
will come a day when you will ask him to put you first, to believe in you and
back you up. On that day he will leave you and you will realize that you are
better off without him.”
    “What did he do?” I asked, any pretense at being
disinterested a vague memory.
    “None of your business sweetheart, let’s just say I learned
too late that just because he was my partner didn’t mean he had my back. On
that day I had a choice whether to stay in the LAPD and put up with that kind
of thing, or strike out on my own, where I know that I only have myself to
depend on.”
    Getting to his office Cooper turned to me. “I have
everything I got for Adele Wesson upstairs” he said.
    I followed him quietly still digesting his words over
Griffin. To be perfectly honest he wasn’t saying anything that I wasn’t already
aware of. Since I’d met him, Griffin had repeatedly proved to me that his job
came first. Maybe I was reading too much into the kiss that happened in the
hospital. The fact the guy hadn’t contacted me in the last two months seemed to
be a good indication of where I was on his level of priorities. After my broken
engagement I had realized that I wasn’t going to be happy with just getting out
there again. If I was going to risk my heart again I was going to go for
awesome. I didn’t intend to settle for anything less. Smiling at Maria as we
passed her desk I was quiet as I followed Cooper. Reaching into his filing
cabinet he pulled out a pretty thin file and passed it to me.
    “There’s everything that I have on Eric Wesson. Like I said,
Adele pulled the plug before I could really get into it, but I did hear that he
had a mother that he didn’t really speak to. Almost felt sorry for the poor guy
once I heard a bit about her. Made me think that he might actually be looking
for a mother figure in Adele and not just her money.”
    “Oh that’s a pleasant thought” I grimaced.
    “Takes all types sweetheart” Cooper said smiling, “even
deluded romantics waiting for their Prince Charming.”
    I decided not to answer that, knowing that I was being
counted amongst the deluded romantics.
    “Thank you Mr Cooper” I said. “If we need any more
information are you available for further work for Adele?”
    “Actually sweetheart I am kind of busy at the moment, my
reputation being what it is.” Cooper sat down and leaned back in his chair.
“But if you would be willing to call me Travis and you were the one doing the
calling, I might be convinced.”
    “Why?” I asked incredulously.
    “Let’s just say that with my line of work, sometimes it’s
refreshing to be around a deluded romantic.”
    I sighed. I could never understand why I attracted the weird
    “Fine Travis, If I call and ask very nicely and let you
laugh at my foolish dreams will

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