Not Another Soldier

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Book: Not Another Soldier by Samantha Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Holt
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, Military, romantic suspense, Mystery & Suspense
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slump on my bed. What was I thinking storming out like
that? Throwing a fucking tantrum?
    I know what Sienna’s been through more than anyone and
I’ve been an asshole. I stare at my ceiling and curse Rob for the billionth
time. Why couldn’t he have treated her better? Why did he have to damage her so
    A smile creeps across my face, in spite of everything,
as I remember when we first met her. She’d been so vibrant and funny. Pretty
much all of us were drooling over her. She’s one of those people who draws
other people to them. Like Rob really. And I guess that’s why she ended up with
him rather than me.
    And whose fault was that? If I could go back and kick
my twenty-four year old ass, I would. I was always the brooding guy. The one
who was quiet and mysterious until you got to know me. It worked well enough
but Rob… once he saw something everyone else wanted, he had to have it. He
figured I liked Sienna, so guess what? He got her.
    Then he drained the life out of her. I don’t think she
realizes how much I noticed. The only time the old Sienna returned was those
six months when Rob was away. She was afraid for him—not that the jackass
deserved it—but she was free again, even if she didn’t realize it at the time.
God, what I wouldn’t give to have that woman back again.
    The woman I’d finally found this morning.
    With a groan, I flick on the TV I need to stop
thinking about it all, just for a while. I need to calm down and figure out my
next move. I shudder and grimace as I eye my bare room. It feels cold compared
to Sienna’s place. It’s better than what the lower ranks have. God knows, I’ve
lived in some shit holes in my time in the Marines, but it’s pretty sad being
in your thirties and living in a single room. If you weren’t in the military,
everyone would think you were a loser. You do wonder sometimes why you bother
putting life and limb—literally in my case—on the line for this . It’s
not exactly a life is it? Some of the guys buy houses but I don’t see the
point, not if you’re going to move on. And renting them out is too much hassle.
I’ve got money saved but…
    I stare unseeingly at the TV. Guess I’d always held
out hope that eventually Sienna would come to me and I could buy her a house.
Rob had all that. Someone to come home to, to eat with and chat about his day.
Damn, I envied that. But what kind of man wants their best friend’s wife?
    I’ve battled with that guilt for so long, I’m used to
it now. And Rob is dead and Sienna needs someone. Needs me, even if she doesn’t
know it yet. I jump up and grab a beer from the mini-fridge I keep in my room.
Cracking it open, I take a determined drink. I’m done standing by Rob. I did my
part, played the loyal friend and watched as he fucked up his life and his
marriage. Fucked up Sienna’s life. In the military, loyalty is everything. You
don’t fight for the politicians or whatever bullshit reason they give you. When
you’re on the battlefield, you fight for your buddies. But I’m done being loyal
to Rob, even in death. He wasn’t the guy I used to know, the boy I played
soldiers with as a kid. And I’ll be damned if he’s going to ruin my life too.
    I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, but somehow I’m
going to get Sienna and make her mine, once and for all.
    I’m driving to work when I see the flash of blue
lights and hear the sound of a siren. I glance in my rearview mirror, intending
to see if I can move aside but realize the cops are signaling for me to pull
over. I frown. Maybe my taillight is out? I wasn’t speeding.
    Searching for an easy way off the road, I spy an
emergency turn-off and flip my blinker. I sit in the car, turn off the engine
and roll down the window as the officer approaches. My palms are clammy. What
is it about the law that makes me always feel like I’ve done something wrong
even when I’m totally innocent?
    “Hi,” I say meekly as the cop comes to my

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