No Way Back

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Book: No Way Back by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
deep into his throat. Sex with Drum wasn’t simply sex. It was more. Damn, that was scary. And inspiring.
    He wanted everything Drum had to offer. He wanted him like he’d never wanted another lover in his life. He needed the contact, the assurance that Drum would take care of him, as he’d promised, not just sexually, but emotionally as well --because he liked the guy, more than he should. He was plunging into an uncharted black hole.
    The acknowledgment of his affection for Drum shook him up. The Alishon wanted to mate with him, thrust his cock up Jake’s ass! The idea was disturbing, and yet he trusted Drum to treat him right. Drum raised his gaze. Looking into those insightful brown eyes, Jake’s heartbeat tripped. Something inside his chest shifted and settled, and he suddenly knew his life would never be the same. He didn’t voice his acceptance, but it hung between them. There was no way back now. His yearning must’ve shown on his face because Drum rubbed his cheek against the solid length of his cock. “I want to swallow your seed. If I do, it will mean we are on the path toward a serious bond. Are you ready for that?”
    Jake swallowed hard. His answer, yes or no, would change everything.

Chapter Six

    Drum held his breath, waiting for Jake to take the next step --or cut him out of his life. He knew he’d pushed Jake hard, forcing him to face an attraction he’d never dealt with before, the lure of another male. But he was running out of time. The Wallabusks had migrated away from them, and the scavengers slowly followed. He had another day, two at the most, to convince Jake to mate with him before the threat of an animal attack no longer bound them together.
    He also had to explain how Jake’s body would change once they shared their seed. In his mind, he could see Jake verbally blasting him about messing with nature and then stalking away. He couldn’t let that happen. Jake was the one. Suva had visions of the three of them together. At least, he thought it was Jake in her dreams. He hoped so, because he’d become very attached to the Earthling. Sharing Suva with a male other than Jake made his gut ache.
    Drum blinked at Jake, sprawled on his back beneath him. For a second, he almost asked him what he was talking about. Then he remembered the big question: to bond or not to bond.
    A big grin lit Jake’s face. “This is fuckin’ crazy.”
    The back of Jake’s hand caressed his face, which hovered close to his human lover’s groin. Jake’s scent filled his nostrils, distracting him. The close proximity of Jake’s meaty cock diverted his attention, too. In fact, his thumb and forefinger still tightly circled the base. But he forced his mind to more important matters: Jake’s decision.
    “I barely know you,” Jake was saying. “I’ve never been attracted to a male before. I never even considered the possibility. Yet… Blazing stars, I’ve never been so hard in my life, and your lips are almost touching my cock head. How am I supposed to think?”
    Neither moved. Drum resisted the urge to flick out his tongue and tease Jake. This conversation was serious stuff. “You want to come in my mouth, Jake?”
    “I just want to come! Mouth, hand, shot in the air… makes no difference to me.”
    Drum shook his head. “I told you it will. In our world, sharing our life’s essence is a sign of commitment. You are giving a part of yourself to me. It is the first stage of a bonding process.”
    Jake narrowed his eyes. “What kind of bonding process?”
    With a deep breath, Drum tried to explain The Transformation without scaring him off. “Earthlings and Alishons share common DNA links. Whenever we contribute our DNA to each other, it attaches to our current DNA strings.”
    Jake coughed. “Are you saying you’ll become more human after I --”
    “Sort of. Because of all the wars and diseases on your planet, you have a stronger immune system than Alishons. You’ll give some of that

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