Million-Dollar Amnesia Scandal

Read Online Million-Dollar Amnesia Scandal by Rachel Bailey - Free Book Online

Book: Million-Dollar Amnesia Scandal by Rachel Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Bailey
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didn’t move a muscle.
    Her heart hammered at her ribs as the staff shuffled out, some smiling their gratitude to her, one giving her a thumbs-up. It seemed to take an eternity, and all the time Seth’s gaze was locked on her.
    The moment the last person left, Seth strode the distance to her, slamming the ballroom door closed on the way past. April watched his progress, hardly daring to breathe. When he reached her, without a word or any preliminaries, he drew her up from the stool and his mouth came down on hers with a fierceness she welcomed with everything inside her. She wound her arms behind his neck, securing him, demanding everything he had to give.
    His lips moved with urgency, his tongue claiming her, wanting her. Had she ever been desired this much? She couldn’t imagine it was possible. The body heat emanating from him soaked through her clothes, down into her bones. Her skin tingled at every point that his hands, mouth or body touched.
    All she could think about was the feel of his broad back beneath her fingers, the curves of his hard muscles, and wanting more, more. The clean forest scent of him blended with something darkly alluring and filled her head. His fingers stabbed through her hair and massaged her scalp, and in this moment she belonged to him, wholly and completely.
    His hands slid down to her waist and he effortlessly lifted her high, onto the baby grand. Leaning down to preserve contact with his lips, she opened her thighs, and at the same moment he stepped forward, bunching herlong, soft skirt up and pressing against the core of her. She moaned, helpless to do more than kiss and be kissed.
    His mouth moved to the side of her lips, to her cheek, and she took the opportunity to gulp in the air her lungs had been screaming for; but she locked her ankles behind him to make sure the break didn’t become permanent.
    â€œI can’t stand it,” he murmured next to her ear. “I want you so badly I can’t stand it.”
    She ran her hands up over his strong shoulders, up the taut muscles of his neck, and pulled his face back to kiss her again. She needed his kiss, needed him . She wanted him more than anything. More than finding her memory. More than having this hotel.
    Suddenly her body went cold, as dread washed through her. More than having the hotel?
    With no memory, the last thing she could afford was a case of starry-eyed naivety. And she had the worst suspicion that there might be more behind Seth’s attentions than she’d been willing to admit.
    Seth was almost mindless with wanting when he noticed the change—her mouth still touched his, but suddenly he was in the kiss alone. He pulled back.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?” he rasped.
    April blinked hard, then looked away, and he forced himself to wait while she found her breath.
    â€œI don’t know,” she said finally, but she still didn’t meet his eyes.
    Heart thumping hard with his need for her, Seth stepped back and put an arm’s length of distance between them. “Yes, you do. Tell me.”
    She readjusted the neckline of her blouse that he’d pulled to the side. Then she looked him squarely in theeye and spoke softly. “I don’t know whether I can trust your intentions.”
    After being so consumed by the kiss, her sharp accusation came like a knife to the gut. “You think I’m capable of seducing you into signing the contract?”
    She didn’t flinch, but she seemed to choose her words with care. “I think you’re capable of worse, if your business interests are threatened.”
    About to respond, Seth hesitated. She was right. He’d been called ruthless and single-minded before and he’d deserved the labels. Yet now, when he had the hotel and therefore his career at stake, the only thoughts in his head had been about kissing this woman.
    She made him feel so much, enough to drive all thought from his mind. A chill passed along

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