Nix: The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 7.5

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Book: Nix: The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, Book 7.5 by Candace Blevins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Blevins
realized she was scaring her, too, and squatted so her butt was on her heels. “You’re okay. Bash is an ass without trying, but he won’t hurt you and neither will I.”
    I stayed put and watched it play out. Tippy took a breath, shook her fear off, and said, “Sorry, I’ll try to do better. You can stand up, there was just too much at once. I’m okay.”
    Angelica stood in slow motion, careful not to spook her. “We’ll have to get you used to Bash. He glowers at everyone but me, and sometimes I get it, too. He doesn’t mean anything by it, he’s just an asshole by nature.” The two of them walked into the bathroom together, and Tippy seemed to be mostly okay. I listened to their conversation as I dealt with the check, and was waiting outside the women’s restroom when they came out.
    “Thanks, Angelica,” I said before looking at Tippy and asking, “Want me to beat Bash up for you?”
    “No,” she said with a laugh. “I’m okay.”
    Which was good, because I wasn’t at all sure I could beat Bash with fists alone, but no way was I going to tell Tippy. She needed to know I’d protect her from anyone who might want to cause her harm.
    “Honest,” Angelica told her, “don’t let him scare you. If he glowers at you, stick your tongue out at him or something. He isn’t going to hurt you.”
    Bash rolled his eyes as we stepped to him, but he smiled at Tippy and said, “I’m the Sergeant at Arms, which means if you do something to hurt the club, it’s my job to hurt you. Otherwise, my Princess is right and I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe while you’re in my presence. You’re special to Nix and he’s my brother. Makes you special to all of us.”
    “We’re going to hike to the waterfall, what do ya’ll have planned?” I asked.
    P ixie was standing under the waterfall when we arrived, her arms were stretched out and up, and she was glowing . I watched, fascinated, as she danced under the water. Even in my wolf form I don’t think I’d have been able to dance on the slippery, uneven rocks under so much water cascading down, and yet she was the picture of grace and joy.
    Tippy leaned in towards me and I looked down, assuming she wanted my attention. The look on her face told me something was up, and I walked with her a little ways from the rest of the group and sat on a log. She made herself comfortable on my lap, sitting sideways and resting her face against my shoulder.
    “I like Pixie. I mean, I like her. We’ve talked about the fact I can’t promise monogamy long term, and that I’ll talk to you before I’m with someone else, and I guess this is me telling you I intend to try to seduce her.”
    I kept my arms around her and cuddled her to me as I considered my response. If she’d wanted to have sex with a man, I’m not sure I could’ve handled it. I mean, there’d be no reason to be pissed at her, because she told me from the beginning she isn’t built for exclusivity, but it still may have been the end of us because I need to know my girl is mine , when it’s someone I love.
    But I’m a red-blooded American male, and the thoughts of my girl with Pixie make my dick hard, so I asked, “Any chance I can watch, or do you want this to just be the two of you? I don’t especially want to be left alone while we’re on the trip.”
    She pulled back and looked at me, her eyes studying mine as if she were looking for clues. “You aren’t pissed?”
    I moved her leg across my rock-hard cock, and she grinned. “You’d really want to watch? Even if you aren’t involved and it’s just the two of us?”
    “Yeah. I’m not interested in doing her, but I’d love to watch the two of you.”
    “I don’t even know if she’ll be interested in me, and if she is, it may take us spending time together before we’re ready for more. What do you want from me, if it doesn’t work out so we can include you?”
    “Total honesty.” She was quiet while I worked through what else

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