Next Door Neighbors

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Book: Next Door Neighbors by Frances Hoelsema Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frances Hoelsema
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“Oh, Jill, there’s another story I wanted to share,” Elena brought up.
                  “Not about me again is it?” Brian complained.
                  “Last one. I promise, dear.”
                  Brian let out an exasperated sigh.
                  “It’s okay, Brian. I promise I’ll try not to laugh this time,” Jill assured him.
                  “Okay. Fine. One more. But that’s it!”
                  With a twinkle of satisfaction in her eye, Elena began telling her story of the things she remembered long ago. “It was when Brian was ten so that makes it, what, twenty years ago now? Wow, seems like yesterday.” She shook her head, not believing it had been that long, then continued. “Anyway, Brian occasionally had an issue with sleepwalking. Something that scared us every time he did it.”
              “I bet!” Jill agreed.
                  “Well, one time he came running down the stairs so fast that I rushed out of my bedroom to see what the hurry was. Thank goodness I was at least wearing something!”
                  “Mom, please,” Brian said, looking down and shaking his head.
                  Jill chuckled.
                  Without skipping a beat, Elena went on. “Come to find out he was all dressed for school. He had his backpack ready and everything! The funny thing was that it was a Saturday!” Elena began laughing as she remembered her treasured memory.
                  Jill didn’t find it funny, but was at least politely amused. “Wow, that’s quite a story there,” she said.
                  Embarrassed, Brian put his hand over his face and took a deep breath.
                  “Do you still sleepwalk, Brian?” Jill wanted to know.
                  “Not that I’m aware of.” His tone indicated his limit had been reached.
                  Elena and Jill worked on finishing their piece of dessert as Brian went to reach for his second. The three of them didn’t say anything for almost an uncomfortable amount of time. Jill decided to lighten the mood.
                  “So, Brian, you really made everything all by yourself?”
                  “Yes, ma’am.”
                  “You better believe it. I didn’t raise no incompetent man,” Elena bragged.
                  That was the last thing Jill thought about Brian. “No, Elena. No, you didn’t.”
                  Dinner and dessert out of the way, Elena was encouraged to rest a little in the living room. One of her favorite shows was about to come on anyway so she didn’t argue with Brian’s and Jill’s suggestion.
                  Wanting to make herself useful, Jill started taking the dirty dessert plates to the kitchen.
                  “You don’t have to help,” Brian mentioned.
                  “Oh, I know, but I’d like to.”
                  The two of them worked as a team to get the dining room back to its normal, clean self. Jill felt like the task was so effortless, as if they read each other’s cues so well; each one picking up where the other left off. She couldn’t believe how close she felt to this family after tonight. It was if she fit right in; a missing puzzle piece to the complete picture. The experience was almost surreal to her.
                  As Brian poured dish soap in the sink to begin washing the dishes, he thought that would be the perfect opportunity to ask Jill about what she was so deep in thought on.
                  “Oh, I don’t know. I’m just rehashing the events of tonight. I really enjoyed myself!”
                  “I’m glad to hear that,” Brian stated, moving a clean plate to the drying

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