News Blues

Read Online News Blues by Marianne Mancusi - Free Book Online

Book: News Blues by Marianne Mancusi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Mancusi
information alert.”
    David grinned wickedly. “Oh grow up, Maddy Pants. You’re just jealous ’cause you aren’t getting any.”
    “Yes I—” . . . was stopping right there. I would not say anything about sleeping with anyone . “You’re right, David. I’m completely and utterly jealous. Cause I am getting nothing. Nada. Zip, zilch. I’m practically
     a born again virgin. And I am so jealous of all your gay action.”
    “Hmm. Methinks my cubemate doth protest too much.” David studied me closely. “Me also thinks she has an I-just-got-fucked
     look in her eyes.”
    “No, I don’t.”
    “You do.”
    “I DON’T!”
    “You do. You do. You just got fucked. Who’s the lucky guy?”
    Unfortunately, the “lucky guy” picked that moment to walk over to my cubicle. I must have turned beet red, ’cause David’s
     eyebrows shot up in recognition.
    “So what’s on the agenda today?” Jamie asked innocently. He must have gone home to shower and change. His hair was still slightly
     damp and he wore a button-down surfer shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. Delicious. Not that I was tasting. I’d already done
     too much of that the night before.
    “Um, we, um, got a lead on the lipstick e-mail you sent me. I have an, um, interview with a doctor who can talk about it.”
     Why could I barely form a sentence? I shot a glare at David who had turned around to check his Gmail, still giggling to himself.
     “Want to meet me in the parking lot in fifteen minutes?”
    “Okay. I’ll go get a coffee while I’m waiting. You want one?”
    “No, I’m okay. Thanks.” I’d already drunk about ten and my hands had the shakes.
    After Jamie disappeared, David, as I knew he would, whirled around and started screeching. “Who was THAT? I go away for four
     days and we get THAT as a new photog? He is sooo cute. But I guess you already know that.” He looked at me with a mischievous
     smile. “So, what was he like?”
    “Like?” I asked innocently.
    “Oh, come on, sistah soul. I totally gave you the scoop on Brock, and that’s way more of a secret than you shagging the new
    “Yeah, but . . .” I lowered my voice. “He’s engaged.”
    “Oh puh-leeze. Does he have a wedding band on his finger yet? No? Well, then, he’s still fair game in my book.” David clapped
     his hands together in glee. “So, I will repeat my question. What was he like? Divine with a capital ‘D’?”
    “Honestly, I don’t remember.” I told David the whole story, starting with my family falling apart and ending with Jamie comforting
     me the morning after.
    “Awh, so sweet. Honey, he sounds like a keeper to me.”
    Was he on crack? “Did you listen to a thing I just said? I can’t keep him. I don’t even have him to begin with. He belongs
     to someone else.”
    “For now.”
    “Look, I’m not the type of girl who goes and steals other women’s fiancés. The whole thing was just a stupid, lousy, drunken
     mistake that I will never, ever repeat again.”
    “Smart. Next time I’d do him sober. So you can remember how divine he is.”
    I groaned. “There’s obviously no talking to you. Anyway, I have to go on my shoot. Do not under any circumstances tell anyone about this, okay?”
    “Please. As if I knew anyone who would care about your little vanilla sexcapades.”
    “Good. Keep it that way. I’ll see you later.” I printed out the directions to the doctor’s office and grabbed them off the
    “Peace out. Don’t let the man get you down.”
    I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a wave goodbye, then headed out to the parking lot. I found Jamie loading his camera
     into the Ford Expedition news truck. Without saying anything, I hopped into the passenger side and took a deep breath. He
     joined me moments later.
    “We off?”
    “Off.” I passed over the directions, looking straight out the window. What did I say to him? This was so awkward.
    To make matters worse, my memory decided to treat me

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