New Year's Eve Murder

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Book: New Year's Eve Murder by Leslie Meier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Meier
powder while Camilla and Elise consulted with Sidra. Nadine was nowhere to be seen.
    After making a few notations on her clipboard, Sidra squared her shoulders and addressed the group. “There’s been a change,” she said. “Unfortunately, Nadine Nelson, who was going to do a make-up segment for the show, will be unable to appear today because of illness so we’re going to have to scratch the beauty and fashion feature to accommodate our substitute guest.”
    The women groaned, politely, and Sidra held up her hand. “I’m really sorry about this. I know it’s disappointing for the moms and daughters who were chosen, but I’m afraid it’s unavoidable. You’re all still going to be on TV, and Norah herself will introduce you all by name.”
    This pleased the women, who began patting their hair and checking their reflections in their pocket mirrors. All except for Lurleen and Faith, that is, who apparently didn’t carry pocket mirrors and were too disappointed to bother to use them in any case. Maria and Carmela seemed to be taking it better, shrugging and chatting animatedly with each other.
    “I wonder what’s the matter with Nadine?” asked Cathy, who was seated next to Lucy.
    “Probably the flu,” said Lucy. “My friend told me there’s an outbreak. I’ve been taking vitamin C.”
    “That’s a good idea,” said Cathy. “I’ll get some. In fact, I’ll get enough for everybody.”
    “That’s a great idea,” said Lucy, wishing she’d thought of it. It would have been a good way to rehabilitate her tarnished reputation.
    Behind them, the audience members were beginning to file in. Cameramen and other technicians were taking their places and checking their equipment. It was all very casual and seemingly disorganized until suddenly the house lights went down and the familiar theme music came up, and Norah herself appeared, somehow looking larger than life as the audience burst into enthusiastic applause.
    “We have a knockout show for you today,” began Norah, listing guests including pop singer Beyoncé, sitcom star Trina Hamilton, and “a special segment on kitchen design—I know you’re going to be interested in that because we all have to cook, right?”
    Norah looked right into the camera and gave her signature moue, and the audience burst into laughter; she had them all in the palm of her hand and she hadn’t even announced the free music CDs they’d all be getting.
    “But first, I want to introduce our special guests—the winners of the Jolie magazine winter makeover for moms and daughters!”
    Here we go, thought Lucy, as the hot spotlights hit them. They were so bright that she wanted to squint but reminded herself to smile instead as Norah approached and hugged her.
    “I can’t believe it!” exclaimed the star, standing between Lucy and Elizabeth and holding them by the hand. “These are my neighbors from Tinker’s Cove, in Maine, where I have a summer home. Lucy and Elizabeth Stone.”
    To Lucy it sounded as if the audience was applauding madly.
    “New York is very different from Tinker’s Cove, isn’t it?”
    “It sure is,” said Lucy, suddenly finding herself speechless.
    “Are you having a good time?”
    “We sure are,” said Lucy, nodding and smiling for all she was worth.
    Norah turned to Elizabeth, who had suddenly gone pale. “Me, too,” she managed to squeak, and Norah gave them each a parting hug before moving on. Lucy heard Norah proclaim that Cathy was from Texas, but the rest was a blur as she concentrated on collecting herself. Who would have thought that a brief moment on the small screen would have such an effect? Lucy’s head was swimming, her heart was pounding, her mouth was dry as cotton, and her hands were sweaty. She reached over and took Elizabeth’s hand; it was ice cold. “Whew,” she whispered, hoping they were out of camera range.
    “That was intense,” said Elizabeth, also whispering.
    The show went to commercials after Norah finished

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