Never Say Never

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Book: Never Say Never by Tina Leonard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Leonard
as she and Joey came into the hallway to shake off their cold coats and mittens.
    “Come join us for a cup of hot chocolate,” Dustin said. “I’ve got the water warmed up.”
    Jill came into the kitchen, helping Joey onto the plank bench beside the sheriff. “Sit very still here, so you don’t fall off, Joey.” She gave Marsh a warm smile. “Hello, Sheriff.”
    Marsh nodded. Jill turned away to fix the cups, only to find that Dustin had already done it for her. “Thank you,” she said, meeting his gaze. Suddenly, she felt much warmer than she had a moment ago. Dustin’s eyes crinkled at the corners in a silent response, as if he would have said “You’re welcome” if he were more given to conversation. Jill sat down, scooting to the section closest to Joey.
    “Now, be careful when you drink this because it may be a little warm,” she cautioned.
    Ignoring the chocolate, he quickly looked back to the sheriff. “Can I see your star?” he asked.
    Marsh undid the pin carefully, handing it to Joey for his inspection.
    “It’s shiny,” Joey said, sounding exactly like a little boy now. “You…you like to be a sheriff?”
    Marsh took the pin back as Joey held it out. A wry expression passed over the sheriff’s face as he glanced first at Jill, then at Dustin. “Sometimes, son. Sometimes I’m very happy to be the sheriff.”
    He stood, nodding to Jill and ruffling Joey’s hair, free now of the cap. “I’ll be seeing you, Dustin. Say goodbye to Eunice for me.”
    “I will. Let me know if you talk to Holly’s mother. I’m afraid there’s not going to be any peaceful nights around the Reed household until she’s safely returned.”
    “Kept you up last night, did she?” Marsh asked as Dustin walked him to the door.
    “Not me. Jill. I heard her go down to fix a bottle for the baby at about three o’clock in the morning.”
    “Ah. Those three o’clock feedings. They’re the greatest, aren’t they?”
    “Hell, no,” Dustin responded.
    Marsh laughed. “Hard to bond when you can’t get the sleep out of your eyes.”
    The sheriff was walking down the steps when Dustin said, “Hey, Marsh, you ever eaten strawberry bread?”
    “Nope. Not since my mother died. She was the only person I knew who fixed it. Why? Somebody give you some?”
    “No. Mrs. McCall, Jill’s mother, is bringing some out Sunday. And some ham rolls.”
    Marsh rubbed his hands together before getting into the cruiser. “I’ll be sure to stop by and check out the situation. Any woman who can make decent strawberry bread probably knew what she was doing when she raised her child.”
    Dustin snorted. “Just like your mother did.”
    “Exactly. Set me a place at the table, buddy.” He grinned and drove away.
    Jill was still sitting at the table when Dustin walked back inside. She’d heard most of the exchange between the two men as the kitchen windows were close to the porch. Although innocent enough, the sheriff’s comments made her wonder if their conversation had been about her rather than baby Holly.
    “Did you have fun playing in the snow?” Dustin asked.
    “We sure did!” Joey said enthusiastically.
    “I think we did,” Jill said, running her fingers through the wet snarls in her hair. “Did the sheriff give you any interesting information?”
    Was it her imagination or did Dustin’s eyes skitter away from her briefly? “Not as much as I’d hoped for.”
    “I see.” She couldn’t pursue her instinct that the sheriff’s visit had concerned her in front of Joey. “Well, where do you want me to start?”
    “Start?” Dustin seemed confused. “Start what?”
    “With my housekeeping duties. Joey and I will be fairly settled today, and I’m sure you want to get on with some of your business. Is there a list of things you’d like me to be in charge of, or shall I talk to Eunice about what’s needed?”
    Dustin got up from the table, seemingly relieved by the change of subject. “You might ask Mother

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