
Read Online Neutral by Viola Grace - Free Book Online

Book: Neutral by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Adult, Space Opera, Erotic Romance
never done anything to elicit gossip before, but she sensed that behind the scenes, the buzzing would be tremendous.
    She was forced to eat her meal with one hand, which was more difficult than it had to be. Usorn just wouldn’t let go.
    “Since we are here off the books, so to speak, I still don’t have a contract for working here.”
    He paused. “Do you want a contract?”
    “That was the idea. I was supposed to outline my duties here so that I didn’t go wild doing everything that I could think of.”
    “Oh, is that all? We can draw one up this evening.”
    She was relieved. “I do better with boundaries and limitations.”
    He smiled and kissed the back of her hand. “I can respect that.”
    Five courses were served, and when they left the dining room, she was swinging the mask and humming absently.
    “So, Emperor Usorn, why don’t you need more guards than I do?”
    “Because, Scribe Longway, my life is not in danger. Yours is and it will be until I wed and have an heir.”
    She blinked. “Why is that a thing?”
    “When there is an heir, there will be proof of continuation of my bloodline. That will ease things as it does in every royal family around the world, or the universe for that matter.”
    “Why did you look for a Terran?”
    He smiled. “The Guardians have a network, and your species was spoken of highly when it came to being able to handle psychically inherited traits. The women that volunteer to leave your world also have more of a strength of character than many of those who are raised on other worlds.”
    She quirked her lips. “I come from a culture that moved away from their homes over and over until they could find a place to make their own. Their methods were not always pleasant and they created lasting scars on our society, but they did something that their people had not done before. Throwing themselves into the void, even if it was on their own world.”
    He grinned. “Much as my ancestor did when he reshaped his world. No one had thought to do it before, and no one else was willing to take the risk. It is a heavy inheritance, but my family has managed to bear it.”
    They were at the imperial apartments, the doors opened at Usorn’s mental touch and closed behind them again.
    Before she could do anything, Usorn had her backed up against the wall, and his hands were pulling the pins free of her hair, removing the wrapped headpiece and freeing her hair for him to pull the smaller pins.
    Her locks unravelled down her back, and he sighed and buried his fingers in her hair.
    “I am guessing you like the hair.” She quirked her lips.
    He tightened his hands into fists and pulled her head to his. He grazed her lips with his teeth. “Yes, it is one of your more fascinating attributes.”
    Ari enjoyed the sting of his teeth, but as he worked his way down her neck, her clothing began to unravel.
    “It took Nexica forever to get me into the dress.”
    He grinned. “She did not design it.”
    The wrap slipped to her feet, and she felt the connections part and surrender to him as his mind undressed her.
    He chuckled and knelt to bury his face between her breasts. “You say that a lot.”
    “You cheat a lot.” She shivered and tangled her hand in the crest of his hair.
    He suckled hard at her breast, flicking the nipple with his tongue before drawing back. Her knees buckled, and she held tight, but he suddenly stiffened and stood up.
    “Damn it.”
    He pressed his hand to his ear and he growled. “Acknowledged. Fall is on the way.”
    She realised what had happened, and she crouched, picking up her gown and slipping it over her shoulders. “Duty calls?”
    He nodded. “A skirmish between three kings. I am sorry.”
    She swallowed. “Don’t be sorry, go and come back. I will work on that contract. I don’t think I will get much sleep.”
    He sighed, kissed her sweetly and stroked one hand down her body. When he withdrew, she felt hot and cold at the same time.

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