Pose (Club Kitten Dancers Book 2)

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Book: Pose (Club Kitten Dancers Book 2) by Sophie Stern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophie Stern
The song ends and he leads me from the dance floor. He takes my hand and pulls me through the crowded room until we’re at the back. All the booths are full, so we simply stand in the corner.
    Well, I stand in the corner.
    Aidan blocks me in.
    Only I don’t feel scared with Aidan. Something tells me he doesn’t want to hurt me, at least in any way I wouldn’t like.
    “What else did he tell you?”
    “He told me you like to go skinny dipping with boys who are older than you,” Aidan leans down and kisses my neck.
    “He told me you like to make out with your boyfriends in the woods and get caught by the police,” Aidan kisses the other side of my neck.
    “He told me you like older boys, dangerous boys,” Aidan looks at me in the eyes, waiting for something from me.
    I nod, and he kisses me, devouring my mouth, owning me. He kisses like some sort of beast and he tastes just as wild. Somewhere in the back of my head, I know I’m at my brother’s party and shouldn’t just go around making out with his friends, but I’m too far gone to care.
    Why the hell didn’t Richard ever introduce us before?
    Aidan is exactly my type.
    He’s fucking perfect.
    He’s everything I want.
    My head clears and I push him back far enough to meet his eyes.
    “Let’s get out of here,” I tell him. “I live around the corner.”

Chapter 2
    Present Day
    Honeypot, Colorado is about a two-hour drive from Morris Creek, which means if I leave early tomorrow morning, I can be home before nightfall. I doubt Aidan and I are going to talk for very long, but I at least feel like I should tell him in person.
    Oh, he gave me his phone number after that night, but I never called. That wasn’t the plan. I didn’t want a real relationship.
    Aidan was supposed to be a fling, a surprise. He was supposed to be one night only and no strings attached.
    Well, he definitely attached his strings and now we’re going to be pretty fucking close for the next two decades, at least.
    I pack a little bag in case I hit bad weather and need to spend the night. You never know what might happen. I don’t particularly want to spend any time in Honeypot, but I like to be prepared. I toss in an extra outfit, a spare toothbrush, and some hair products, then deposit the bag neatly in my trunk.
    When I’m back inside, I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and try to decide what to tell my family. I wish for the millionth time today that I could have an alcoholic beverage, but I’m tired: not stupid.
    I’ve only known about my baby for a few hours, but already I’m wondering if it’s going to be a boy or a girl. I’m wondering if my baby is going to look like me or Aidan.
    I’m wondering if it’s going to be a shifter.
    With a sigh, I lean my head on the table. That’s the real problem, isn’t it? Aidan is from Honeypot. I know all about Honeypot. My brother has spent more than enough time talking about the shifters he’s met and all the weird problems they have to deal with on a daily basis.
    Apparently being a different species living on Earth isn’t exactly easy.
    Apparently fearing for your life and wondering if you’ll be poached at any time or studied for science isn’t easy.
    Richard can be a stick in the mud, but he’s a good person, and even though he practices in Morris Creek, he travels to Honeypot once or twice a month to offer counseling services to shifters.
    Aidan really helped him during his time at university and I don’t think Richard will ever forget that.
    At least I know that if I encounter any weird emotional problems from raising a shifter baby, my brother can help guide me through it.
    I finally finish my food, take a warm shower, and collapse in my bed. I don’t feel nauseous yet and my boobs don’t hurt. I don’t have any weird cramping or spotting. Absolutely nothing is wrong with me and I have no visible signs of being pregnant. The only reason I took the test was because my period was

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