Native Gold

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Book: Native Gold by Glynnis Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glynnis Campbell
Tags: Historical Romance
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these things quickly," he said with a wink, perching his derby atop his black curls, "leave yer past behind ye."
    Leave her past. That’s what she’d done. But now her future lay just as empty. She looked at the carpetbag at her feet. Everything she owned was inside it. That was her life now. Her pampered world of ladies’ teas and downy quilts and carriage rides was gone. And there was nothing in that bag to sustain her in this uncivilized and unforgiving land.
    Aunt Emily had warned Mattie about her foolhardy dreams, told her she spent too much time with her head in the clouds. Here was proof. She’d journeyed west on the scrap of such a dream, on a promise scrawled on a piece of notepaper that was no more substantial now than the wind. Only this time, it wasn’t just a frown or a harsh word she’d earned for her impetuousness. This time she’d lost everything.
    "You ain’t gonna cry, are you?" the old woman asked, her face puckered in disgust.
    That was precisely what Mattie wanted to do. But now, of course, she wouldn’t, not for the world. There was one thing she hadn’t lost after all—her pride.
    "Don’t you worry none," Swede said, giving her an awkward pat on the shoulder. "Me and the boys decided, what with you being just the one day shy of becomin’ the doc’s wife, why, there wasn’t no reason you couldn’t just go right ahead and take over his claim and all."
    Mattie looked at them uncertainly. Some looked less content than others about that decision, and, honestly, Mattie didn’t have the vaguest idea what she would do with a gold claim. But it was something, some small piece of earth in this vast wilderness.
    "And of course, you can have the cabin," Swede said.
    "And all o’ the doctor’s personal effects," added Tom.
    At least that news was encouraging. She’d have a roof over her head and sustenance for the time being, thanks to the miners’ kindness. She scanned the faces of the prospectors once more, and this time, she saw them through eyes that lifted the tarnishing veil of dust from their cheeks and looked into their hearts. They were good people, most of them, despite their coarseness. They were decent men she owed a debt of gratitude.
    "Thank you," she said, smiling wide then, her first genuine smile since she’d arrived. "Thank you very much."
    Some of the miners returned her smile, some continued to scowl, and some stood with their jaws lax, as if they’d never set eyes on a woman before. Feeling suddenly magnanimous, Mattie decided she’d invite them all to the doctor’s residence tomorrow, once she was settled in, for a luncheon after church services and the funeral. It would have to be simple fare, of course. Cooking had been left to the servants, so there was very little that Mattie knew how to make. But it was the least she could do to thank them for their generosity.
    "Well, are we gonna jaw all night," Zeke snorted, "or is one of you gonna cart the lady’s belongings to her cabaña ?"
    Several eager lads volunteered, but Swede stared them down, swallowing up the handle of her carpetbag in his oversized paw.
    Mattie stood and politely tipped her head. "It was so nice meeting you all. I look forward to seeing you at church tomorrow."
    That brought a peculiar silence over the group, but before she had a chance to wonder why, Swede jumped down from the porch and headed down the dusty path, where Mattie was obliged to follow at a clip.
    She hoped it wasn’t too far. Already, the sun dipped below the horizon, and though at present it cast wondrous coral light across the scattered clouds, soon the sky would darken, rendering the thick woods shadowy and foreboding.
    "I’m awful sorry about your husband, ma’am," Swede mumbled as she half-skipped to keep up with him. "But just so’s you know, there’s any number of fellas right here in Paradise Bar who’d be happy as all get-out to have such a pretty young thing for a wife."
    "Ah. Thank you." Mattie wondered if Swede

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