Nashville Summers

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Book: Nashville Summers by Grayson Elliot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Grayson Elliot
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lunged again, this time catching my arm in its mouth.  But before it could bite, I moved, and it just got a mouthful of plaid shirt.
    Angrily I muttered, "This sh irt was 100% rayon, you ass!”  I couldn't go on like this.  I needed a weapon to destroy this foul thing's brain.  Out of the corner of my eye I spotted an axe lying by a pile of freshly-cut wood.  I ran to it with a cry of delight, grabbing it, and lifting it high over my head.
    The zombie's eyes grew wide with fright for the last time .  "I am NOT your meat!”  I yelled angrily at the creature.  With all the force I could muster, I brought the tool down on its head.  It split in half, sending brains and blood in every direction, splattering all over the pavement and me as well.  "God DAMN it!”  I yelled, wiping a sweat-soaked jet black lock of hair off of my forehead.  “Now this shirt is COMPLETELY ruined!” I kicked the limp, lifeless form in front of me.
    "God-fucking-dammit !”  That was the worst part about the recent zombie surge - if you didn't count the deaths of just about everyone I had known.  They sure knew how to ruin a wardrobe.
    Still cursing my luck , I gave the zombie's body one last kick, wiped some brains off my face, and continued down the dark driveway back towards my gas can.  Before I had gotten too far, I heard a pattering noise all around me.  I felt a droplet of water hit my head and another fell on to my arm.  “Oh shit!”  I moaned.  “Please don't rain.”  I glanced upwards, turning my eyes towards the heavens, but nothing looked down on me.  The sky was pitch black, filled with storm clouds.  A raindrop hit me in the eye.  “Fuck!”  I yelled upwards to God or whoever else might be listening.  “I did NOT need this, I did definitely not need this!”
    With a sigh of submission I turned around, back towards the zombie boy’s house.  Battling the undead was one thing, but getting drenched was another.  I had a long walk ahead of me.  I could hole up here until the rain stopped, and besides, this kid looked about my size and he wasn't using his cloths anymore.  Maybe I could find a replacement for this blood covered shirt.
    Once again , the axe came in handy.  With several powerful swings, I knocked the door down and stepped inside.  It was a good sized house, although I couldn't make out many of the interior details; it was pitch black.  I felt around on the wall for a light switch, and felt the wet and slick of blood.  I'd have wagered that the guy outside had eaten earlier.
    Finally I found the light switch and flicked it .  Nothing happened.
    "Christ," I spat , and flicked it again and again, as if that would help my situation any.  With a yell of annoyance, I swung my new axe as hard as I could.  I felt it connect to something and heard the shatter of glass.  I guessed I had hit a picture frame or something.  "Hello?”  I yelled, in case any humans remained in the house.  My ear met with no reply; all the denizens of this house were either dead or undead... or too scared to answer.  Either way I was fine, I thought, brandishing my axe against any zombie would-be attackers.
    Glancing around the room, I waited for my night vision to set in.  As it did, little by little, I saw that the room I had entered into was like a war area.  Tables were overturned, the couch has all the stuffing ripped out of it, and windows were broken, leaving glass scattered across the floor.  There was blood covering everything.
    Outside , the rain was picking up; it was a torrential downpour.  With another sigh I decided to explore the house.  No way was I waiting in this room!  I was used to the smell of blood by this point, but that didn't mean I had to like it.
    The next room I walked into was a hallway, a narrow passage lined with broken picture frames of the house's previous tenants.  I stopped a bit to examine them out of morbid fascination.  There were two parents and three good-looking

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