Naked Truth

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Book: Naked Truth by M.D. Saperstein Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.D. Saperstein
enforcer type. You know, the one who comes to break kneecaps, but it was more than I had learned the previous few months and I was ecstatic.  So I started snooping around more, asking questions.  It’s interesting the things you learn when you figure out the right people to ask.  Mainly the ones who have the most to lose – sick family members, young kids, child support payments, and school tuition. 
    It’s been two long fucking weeks since our dinner date, a week since the disastrous surprise set-up with Susie, and I can’t wait another minute to see Violet.  I miss her and how light I feel when she is around, like nothing else matters. We have been talking on the phone every evening and texting throughout the day. We talk about everything from likes and dislikes to the weather and politics.  Interestingly, we haven’t touched too much upon family, friends, or jobs.  And of course, I haven’t had the balls yet to tell her what went down with Susie.  I know I need to tell her before Susie says something inappropriate or makes some shit up that isn’t true. But every time I try to tell her, I get distracted, or don’t want to ruin the moment. Tonight’s the night, I vow.
    Sadly, I have been so busy at the club at night, and obviously, she works banking hours, so we haven’t been able to find time together.  But if I am able to get back to my old job sooner rather than later, then my time will free up dramatically.  She had actually requested for today, Thursday, off months ago for a dentist appointment this morning. So, instead of going in for a half-day, she decided to play hooky with me.  I’m so excited I can barely contain myself.
    I make sure to arrive at Game Zone a few minutes early so Violet doesn’t have to wait for me.  My ulterior motive, I like watching her when she drives up and looks for me. I realized when she did that before our first date at the Brewery House, it gave me a secret thrill.  I also wanted the chance to check out what they have here, so I don’t look like a douche when she gets here reading the menu board, checking out our options.  Of course, she pulls up with a few minutes to spare, my punctual little flower.  As soon as I catch sight of her, my body reacts viscerally, sending my hormones into overdrive. I’m like a teenager around her, and the adrenaline rush thrills me. After working at the club all these months, I was starting to think I would never be able to get a hard on again. But this little fucking ray of sunshine has me turned inside out.
    I walk over to her Mini Cooper – tiny and adorable, just like her…and her umbrella!  – and she already has one leg swinging out. And all I see is leg. Leg. And more leg. I think I’m going to come in my pants like the aforementioned teenager.  As I lean down to help her completely out of the car, I get a full view of her. Holy shit!  She is wearing a green tank top, which makes her bright green eyes sparkle like a perfect emerald. Her cut-off jean shorts emphasize her toned legs and taut ass, and her hot pink chucks remind me of her sense of humor and sass. And my favorite part, her shiny strawberry blonde hair, is in a braid cascading down one shoulder.  She looks delicious and I’m going to be the one suffering for it. I lean down and kiss her on the cheek.
    “Hi, beautiful.”
    “Hey back,” she answers, shyly.
    “Are you trying to distract me so I can’t win?” I ask teasingly, trying to get her to relax a little.
    “I don’t need to distract you.  I’m gonna beat your booty fair and square,” she challenges.
    I laugh. “There’s my feisty girl.”  And there’s my favorite blush.
    When I told her where we were going, I was hoping she wouldn’t protest like some of the other snooty women I’ve attempted to bring to a place like this.  Instead, she challenged me.  The little pisser got all competitive on me and challenged me to a round of mini golf.  I was so turned on that I had to take

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