Broken Prince (The Broken Ones)

Read Online Broken Prince (The Broken Ones) by Jen Wylie - Free Book Online

Book: Broken Prince (The Broken Ones) by Jen Wylie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Wylie
nodded and then lowered his head,
staring at his hands.
    She reached a hand over and squeezed one of his. "Thank
you, Kei."
    She looked over at Garen. Well?
    The Were sat and let out a sound which sounded like a
snort. You're insane.
    Probably. I doubt it will work. But it just might.
I…Sometimes I can do things I shouldn’t be able to. I have to try. "You in or not? I'm thinking it has a better
chance if there’s an actual Were involved."
    Very well.
    She smiled.
    Bo raised his eyebrows. "He up for it?"
    "He is. So..." She let out a deep breath,
trying to think of how, exactly, one created a pack. Do you know how to do this?
    We simply are. I don't.
    His words weren’t what she wanted to hear. Tell me
about your magic.
    Magic is everywhere. It’s all around us. We live and
breathe it. We are born from it, we return to it when we die. It simply is and
always has been.
    This is the same magic the Elves use?
    He cocked his head to the side. Yes. Magic is
magic, Arowyn. It is everywhere. The Elves have bound themselves to the magic
within their borders to make themselves stronger there.
    Hope sputtered within her. It might actually save
Prince, if she could figure out how to make them a pack. She held out the hand which wasn't holding his limp
body to her. "Everyone touch."
    Bo and Kei rested a hand on hers. Garen hesitated
before standing to move closer and then raising a huge paw to place on top of
    "Hopefully this works." She closed her eyes,
fighting off sudden nervousness. She had no idea what to do. If she failed,
Prince would die. The odds of her succeeding were slim. She had to try…she
would. She would make it work. The magic Kei had done with her came to mind.
Perhaps something similar would work again?
    "All of us come together now, wishing to become a
pack. We are friends. We are family. Forever we wish to be bound together as
such." She paused, searching for more formal words. "As a pack we
will stand together, fight together, live together, love together. Though we
are not all Were, we wish to be bound as such, together, so we can support each
other, help each other." She squeezed her eyes closed, pulling Prince more
tightly to her chest. "Whatever power exists out there, please hear me,
hear us. Make us a pack. Bind us together. Help us help each other."
    She waited, afraid to open her eyes, wondering if
anything had happened.
    Very good, little one.
    She opened her eyes, looking over at Garen. The
howling started suddenly, sounding very far off, yet still echoing through the
trees. Garen raised his head and howled along with them.
    She looked at the others, allowing her hand to drop.
Bo and Kei both were staring at Garen. "Did it work?"
    "I...I heard him," Bo said finally.
    Kei nodded. "Me, too."
    Garen stopped howling suddenly to look at both of
them. You hear me? They both nodded again, speechless. Well that is
an unexpected benefit.
    Prince shifted in her arms, gaining her attention. He
opened his eyes, slowly locking onto her face as they came into focus. "Arowyn,"
he whispered. His fine, dark brows drew together. "I feel...strange. What
did you do?"
    She laughed, so relieved he seemed better, that it had
worked, more tears came to her eyes. "I made us a pack."
    He stared at her a moment before sighing and closing
his eyes again. "I am just going to pretend I did not hear that."
    "You woke up, and you’re talking." She
smiled down at him. "You can pretend anything you like."

    Chapter 5:
    Admitting the
    A good amount of light remained in the day. Content
Prince wouldn't suddenly die in her arms, she helped him to the pond's edge to
clean up. After doing a quick wash herself she set to work making a good hearty
dinner for him, digging small pots out of one of the bags and carefully adding
ingredients from their combined packs.
    Thankfully Garen took it upon himself to teach them
how mind-speech worked. He and Bo seemed to have struck a quick friendship
which made her

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