Naked Lunch

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Book: Naked Lunch by William Burroughs Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Burroughs
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halitosis and unpopularity with all sexes, ages and conditions of
homo sapiens.
In facta blind bugger was deserted by his seeing eye police dog – copper at heart. Until quite recently there was no satisfactory treatment. ‘Treatment is symptomatic’ – which means in the trade there is none. Now many cases yield to intensive therapy with aureomycin, teramycin and some of the newer molds. However a certain appreciable percentage remain refractory as mountain gorillas.… So, boys, whenthose hot licks play over your balls and prick and dart up your ass like an invisible blue blow torch of orgones, in the words of I. B. Watson,
Stop panting and start palpating … and if you palpate a bubo draw yourself back in and say in a cold nasal whine: ‘You think I am innarested to contact your horrible old condition? I am not innarested at all.’)
    Rock and Roll adolescent hoodlumsstorm the streets of all nations. They rush into the Louvre and throw acid in the Mona Lisa’s face. They open zoos, insane asylums, prisons, burst water mains with air hammers, chop the floor out of passenger plane lavatories, shoot out lighthouses, file elevator cables to one thin wire, turn sewers into the water supply, throw sharks and sting rays, electric eels and candiru into swimming pools(the candiru is a small eel-like fish or worm about one-quarter inch through and two inches long patronizing certain rivers of ill repute in the Greater Amazon Basin, will dart up your prick or your asshole or a woman’s cunt
faute de mieux
, and hold himself there by sharp spines with precisely what motives is not known since no one has stepped forward to observe the candiru’s life-cycle
in situ
), in nautical costumes ram the
Queen Mary
full speed into New York Harbor, play chicken with passenger planes and buses, rush into hospitals in white coats carrying saws and axes and scalpels three feet long; throw paralytics out of iron lungs (mimic their suffocations flopping out on the floor and rolling their eyes up), administer injections with bicycle pumps, disconnect artificial kidneys,saw a woman in half with a two-man surgical saw, they drive herds of squealing pigs into the Curb, they shit on the floor of the United Nations and wipe their ass with treaties, pacts, alliances.
    By plane, car, horse, camel, elephant, tractor, bicycle and steam roller, on foot, skis, sled, crutch and pogo-stick the tourists storm the frontiers, demanding with inflexible authority asylum fromthe ‘unspeakable conditions obtaining in Freeland,’ the Chamber of Commerce striving in vain to stem the debacle: ‘Please to be restful. It is only a few crazies who have from the crazy place outbroken.’
    And Joselito who wrote bad, class-conscious poetry began to cough. The German doctor made a brief examination, touching Joselito’s ribs with long, delicate fingers. The doctor was alsoa concert violinist, a mathematician, a chess master, and a Doctor of International Jurisprudence with license to practice in the lavatories of the Hague. The doctor flicked a hard, distant glance across Joselito’s brown chest. He looked at Carl and smiled – one educated man to another smile – and raised his eyebrows, saying without words:
    ‘Alzo for the so stupid peasant we must avoid use ofthe word is it not? Otherwise he shit himself with fear. Koch and spit they are
nasty words I think?’
    He said aloud: ‘It is a catarro de los pulmones.’
    Carl talked to the doctor outside under the narrow arcade with rain bouncing up from the street against his pant legs, thinking how many people he tell it to, and the stairs, porches, lawns, driveways, corridors and streets of the worldthere in the doctor’s eyes … stuffy German alcoves, butterfly trays to the ceiling, silent portentous smell of uremia seeping under the door, suburban lawns to sound of the water sprinkler in calm jungle night under silent wings of the Anopheles mosquito. (Note: This is not a figure.

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