Mysty McPartland

Read Online Mysty McPartland by Black Warlock's Woman - Free Book Online

Book: Mysty McPartland by Black Warlock's Woman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Black Warlock's Woman
bent down to kiss her, at first tenderly and slowly more deeply. He gradually started moving inside of her. Nothing else mattered, but finding mindless ecstasy for himself and Trista. While he moved in and out of her, she slowly found the rhythm and together they started to move in harmony.
    He knew that each time he thrust into her, he came close to exploding. When she arched up and stiffened, he heard her cry his name. Suddenly her body shuddered beneath his and her climactic juices surround him. When she squeezed him tightly, he desperately plunged himself to the hilt one more time and exploded deep inside of her.
    Once twice more, he surged i nto her and finally collapsed, his head falling on the pillow next to hers. His breathing erratic, his heart racing and pounding, still he managed to smile when he heard her soft satisfied sighs.
    Trista found herself caught up in the bone melting passion that Rieph’s mouth and hands created in her. She let her own hands wander mindlessly over his hard, hot flesh. She could not control the little whimpers that escaped her.
    The sudden sharp pain took her by surprise and her eyelashes flickered when it eased. She twisted beneath him as she felt herself adjusting around the throbbing hardness now buried deep within her body.
    Her hands fluttered over his shoulders and she took little panting breaths , as she tried to control the passion that once again starting to blossom and grow throughout her. Every time he glided himself in and out of the confines of her body, waves of rapture washed through her.
    Never had she experienced anything so superb or overwhelming and all she could do was lay beneath him and let the mind altering pleasure continue. Suddenly though it wasn’t enough, she thrust up her hips and cried out as tidal wave of rapture consumed her.
    So consumed with everything happening h er brain ceased to work and nothing else mattered except continuing this rapturous journey with Rieph. She was shaken from her dream world when an avalanched of ecstasy crashed over her and all she could do was grip the powerful shoulders until it passed. When he shifted away she could only lie there with her eyes closed and mind muddled with overwhelming satisfaction.
    Rieph rolled off her and lay on his back; he flung one arm over his eyes and grinned. Never had he ever felt such profound satisfaction as he just experienced. On no other occasion had he ever experienced the fulfillment of completing the act to the very end. Every time before, he always pulled out and spilled his seed on the sheets.
    B ut now that he had a wife it was no longer necessary. Not only that, he never even thought of doing so with any other woman before. Besides, with his wife he’d been too lost in passion to even give it a thought. He removed his arm, turned his head slightly to gaze at her, noticing the stunned expression on her face and sighed softly as sated pride swelled his chest.
    Now o nly wanting to have her in his arms, he reached out, gently dragged her body up close to his and leaned his face down to nuzzle the top of her head, before he placed a kiss there. “Are ye all right, sweet? I dinna hurt ye too much did I?” Holding his breath, he waited to see what her reaction would be now that her mind was no longer clouded by passion and desire.
    The concerned question swiftly brought her back to the real world and she lay stunned over what just happened between them. She couldn’t believe what just happened or why she never put up any resistance. She was nothing but a wanton woman that was why. Her face burned with shame over what had just transpired.
    O nce he started kissing her, she’d been lost and she acted like a wild thing. Now when he asked how she was feeling, she didn’t know what to say to him. All she wanted to do was hide in embarrassment and hoped he would rise from the bed and leave her to suffer her humiliation in peace.
    Only wanting to reassure her and lifting her chin so now they

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