My Vampire Prince

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Book: My Vampire Prince by T. Skye Sutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Skye Sutton
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Come to my room. Please hurry. She sounds distressed. I tell Matt that I need to use the restroom, no use trying to explain that I can here Victoria ’ s thoughts. I reach her bedroom door. It is locked. What ’ s going on? I need to keep quiet, but I have to get in here. There seems to be some type of sound barrier spell on this room, I can sense it. Who Is in there with her? Seamus, it must be.
                  I try to think of a way to get into her room without causing a ruckus. I can ’ t hear anything from in the room do to the spell, and I am positive that they cannot hear me. That may just give me the benefit of the doubt because Seamus won ’ t be expecting me and I am almost positive that he doesn ’ t know that I can hear Victoria ’ s thoughts when I am not looking directly at her.
    Seamus ’ s P.O.V
                  I don ’ t have much time, I need to take Victoria. I need to fuck her now. If I ruin her, Lliam will never be king. I ’ ve worked my ass off my entire life to be where I am now, and Lliam just has to marry his mate to become king. If I fuck her than bit her on her mark, she will become mine and Lliam won ’ t be able to touch her. She must be trying to call him in her mind. It won ’ t work, he can ’ t hear her if he isn ’ t looking at her. She is pretty damn intelligent though even thinking to try in the first place, and she was quick to realize that if she didn ’ t look me in the eyes I wouldn ’ t be able to control her body and emotions.
                  I have given her quite a few blows telling her that if she would open those pretty fucking eyes of hers I would stop hurting her, but she won ’ t. I think he is near, I can sense him. I finally get her pants mostly down, its now or never. I rip her panties off and spread her legs. She kicks me in the face. “ You mother fucker! You will never have me! ” She stomps on my crotch and I throw her against the wall. Shit! She is unconscious, well, I don ’ t have another choice. I make my way over to her to complete my plan. Just than, the door comes free of its hinges, and is set down quietly as to not draw attention. It is Lliam. Damnit! He is so fast, I figured that when I sensed him being near I would still have about ten minutes.
    Lliam ’ s P.O.V
                  I know what that bastard is doing. I am picking up his thoughts. I don ’ t know why I can hear his now to, it must be because he is so close to Victoria and she is in distress. I know that while trying to rape my mate, my future wife, he has hurt her. I grab the door and tear it from the hinges as quiet as possible, and set it on the floor. “ You ungrateful prick! ” I curse at him, than I attack. I cannot kill him here, but I will take him to the queen. I bloody his nose and tie him up with Victoria ’ s ever so useful head scarves.
                  I run over to Victoria and cradle her in my arms. I grab a blanket and wrap her in it, then lay her on her bed. I put Seamus, still tied up out of the window and take him to the car, locking him in. I go back to her bedroom window, and climb through. Matt is coming. “ Victoria! Vicky! Lliam, what happened?
    Chapter 13: The lie
                  I know he is worried and wants to know what happened to his daughter. I can ’ t tell him the truth though, that would mean telling him that I am a vampire, and I can ’ t do that. I think up a story quick. “ Sir, I am not sure. It appears that someone came through her window and attacked her. I have phoned the police and they are scouring the area. I heard noises in here and couldn ’ t get in, so I knocked the door down. He ran as I came in. ”
                  I am proud of myself for thinking on the spot like that, it ’ s a pretty believable story I think. “ I ’ m glad you got here in time Lliam. I see you have this under

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