My Lady's Pleasure

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Book: My Lady's Pleasure by Olivia Quincy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Quincy
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thoroughly taken aback by this. But Rose wasn’t finished yet.
    “If I’m going to duck into Lord Halsey’s room with you, it won’t be because you feed me strawberries and call me a damn fine girl. It’ll be because I want to, pure and simple.”
    At this, Gerard was completely thrown. Although he didn’t make an absolute habit of it, he had seduced servant girls before, and never had any of them talked to him like this.
    He looked at her with a mixture of astonishment and admiration. “And do you want to, pure and simple?” he finally asked.
    She didn’t answer. Gerard wasn’t sure if she hadn’t decided yet, or if she had but wasn’t ready to let him in on the secret.
    “I hope you do,” he said in a whisper, and kissed her.
    He didn’t kiss her the way he kissed servants. He kissed her the way he kissed lovers, with his lips soft and barely parted. But he didn’t linger; he didn’t feel he had permission quite yet.
    “I do,” said Rose, “on one condition.”
    “And what’s that?”
    “That you never call me a damn fine girl again.”
    “Only if you promise not to call me ‘sir,’ at least in private,” he said, grinning.
    “Done,” she said. “Gerry.” She giggled a little at the idea of calling one of the Loughlins’ guests by his given name.
    They were standing just inside the closed door of the room, in a little hall that led to the bedchamber. Gerry put his hands on Rose’s hips and pushed her backward against the wall. He reached his hands around to cup her ass and pull it toward him. By this time he had a full hard-on and he groaned as her hips met his.
    The circumstances were such that Gerry had to be careful not to let his arousal get the best of him. That this girl had been unknown to him that morning, that he had gone from introducing himself to grinding his pelvis into hers in the space of ten minutes, that her surprising self-assurance attracted him, all created a confluence of novelty that made him feel as if he were nineteen again. And at nineteen, he remembered with some embarrassment that helped check his passion, he hadn’t been completely master of himself.
    He put his hands back on her hips and pushed himself away. He turned her around so she faced the wall and traced the lines of her back. It was a strong, muscular back, and her firmness and solidity appealed to him. Somehow it seemed right that her strength of body matched her strength of mind.
    As he pressed himself against her again, he reached around and took one breast in each of his hands. He started with his hands at their base and caressed them, circling first inward, and then outward, with the thumb and forefinger of each hand coming closer to her nipple each time. When he reached the nipples, and touched them lightly, Rose responded by groaning and moving her hips backward to meet him. Her hands were on the wall and she bent at the waist, moving her ass side to side against him. He let her breasts go and reached for the buttons on the back of her uniform. He hadn’t undone more than half of them before the girl turned around and shimmied out of the bodice of the dress.
    Her bodily firmness extended to her lovely round breasts. “No fireplug ever sported a pair like that,” he said.
    Rose looked taken aback, and Gerry was afraid he’d blundered. But it took her only a moment to remember that she had described herself that way not more than a few minutes ago. To his relief, she laughed heartily.
    Gerry leaned down and kissed each in turn, just on the top where they rose enticingly from her chest.
    He had put the strawberries and cream on a small bookshelf that was next to them, and he reached over to dip his finger in the bowl. He held his cream-covered finger out to Rose, and she took it in her mouth. He watched as she closed her eyes, and relished the feeling of her tongue on his skin as she licked it clean.
    She in turn fed him some of the cream, and he kept her forefinger in his mouth and sucked it.

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