My Deja Vu Lover

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Book: My Deja Vu Lover by Phoebe Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoebe Matthews
be sure to say you are a strawberry blonde.”
       “I’m what?”
       “It’s from an old song about the band playing on. Sorry, bad habit. I quote poems, songs, anything. You go ahead, April, tell me your story.”
       The   explanation of Laurence would have been impossible with any other strange person. Within a few minutes, Graham made me believe he was my oldest, dearest friend. He was cheerful and encouraging and amused and pleased by everything I said. That was the teacher, I suppose, putting a student at ease. Whatever the source of his talent, he was really good.
       I told him everything, at first slowly and then in a rush, from my first terrifying vision of the crash to my memories of that day on the set.
       “And so you were an actress named Silver and I was an actor named Laurence, and now fate has drawn us together again?” he said.
       “Do you believe me?”
       “I believe that you believe every word you say.”
       “But you don’t believe in reincarnation? I don’t know any other explanation.”
       He looked at me for a moment, pursed his mouth as though he was thinking very carefully about his next words. Guess he was. He asked, “They were very much in love, this Silver and Laurence?”
       “I think so. Though Silver loved Laurence more than he loved her.”
       “Than this Silver couldn’t have been you. No man could possibly love you less than you love him.”
       Hmm. I thought I’d heard a lot of lines but that was a new one. “Now you’re teasing me.”
       “Really, no, and to prove my sincerity, I will check with a couple of my film buff colleagues in the drama department. Maybe someone will remember an actress named Silver.”
       “Are you in the drama department?”
       “No. English. My office is in that building. They keep rearranging building space and moving me around. And I am afraid that I am not very knowledgeable about old films. However, I can e-mail you anything I learn. Or better yet, I can phone you if it’s something significant.”
       Which was why I gave him my phone number. Or maybe I gave it to him because I knew, despite his doubts, that he was Laurence and I had loved him in another lifetime. And I had been so crazy in love, the memory followed me. Or maybe there was something I was supposed to do about that memory.
       Or maybe, really, I couldn’t resist giving my phone number to a man who called me beautiful and then described me as a strawberry blonde.
       Tom and Cyd agreed that no one could change the past. Fair enough. But maybe I was supposed to change something in the future. Or maybe I was lying to myself all over the place. The man was all charm, maybe too much charm. I could walk away from charm. The killer touch was his smile.
       He pushed away his cleared plate and tossed down some bills.   I started to pull out my billfold, hoping I had enough cash, but he said, “No, no, I invited you, and thank you so much for accepting. I wish I could stay and chat longer but I have an appointment. I’ll call you if I learn anything.”
       All right, he wasn’t hitting on me or he would have stayed. I sat at the table finishing my coffee. He hurried out into the light rain and I watched him through the window until he disappeared down the street, watched the tilt of his head, the swing of his shoulders, the easy stride of his legs in those white jeans.
       Nice man but I would never see him again or hear from him again because he was probably hurrying away thinking, “God, what a fruitcake.”  
       Tom lost the bet and Mac lost the argument and Cyd got her way.
       We went to our first Reincarnation Through Hypnosis session together, the four of us, as we did everything together that year. All right, Macbeth did endless complaining, but he caved and decided we needed him as ballast.
       “I don’t believe in this sort of stuff,” I said for the umpteenth time.

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