stress she lives under. As Dave and I talked about it and discussed why some people with the exact same past get completely well, while others do not, we both came to the same conclusion. In order to recover from the pain of the past, we must truly believe that we are new creatures in Christ. We must completely let go of the old people that we were and learn to live the resurrection life that Jesus has provided. We must stop identifying with the sinful, wounded, or abused person that we used to be and start identifying with the new person God has made us in Christ.
In the life of the believer, hope is rooted in the understanding that God changes things. Change, rebirth, transformation: This is the good news of the Gospel. On your own, you were lost, broken, far from God, and without hope. But because of His great love, Godsent Jesus so you could be found, healed, reconciled to Him, and your hope could be restored. Salvation is about change—change made possible because of God’s love for you and for me.
Not only is salvation about change, but your daily walk with God is too. All through Scripture, whenever individuals had an encounter with God, change occurred. Abram became Abraham (see Genesis 17:5). Sarai became Sarah (see Genesis 17:15). Jacob became Israel (see Genesis 32:28). Simon became Peter (see John 1:42). Saul became Paul (see Acts 13:9). And it’s not just names that changed—the direction of people’s lives changed. A shepherd became a king. A fugitive became a nation’s leader. Fishermen became disciples. A Pharisee became an apostle.
But it’s important to notice that, along with Paul, when God brought about change in the lives of these men and women, they embraced the new people God created them to be. David didn’t walk around with a shepherd boy’s mentality; he embraced his role as king. Moses no longer hid in fear from Pharaoh; he boldly declared, “Let my people go!” Peter was no longer afraid; he stood up and preached to thousands on the Day of Pentecost. Each person embraced what God had done—and what He was doing—in their lives… and so can you. As a matter of fact, if you don’t embrace it, you will always struggle and live on a low level of life, far from the exciting, powerful life that is yours in Jesus.
Let me ask you: Do you believe God loves you unconditionally? Do you believe ALL your sins are forgiven? Do you believe you are a new creature with a new heart and spirit? Have you accepted yourself? Do you like yourself? Do you believe the future holds exciting things for you?
If you do believe these things, then let me congratulate you because you are well on your way to amazingly good things. If you don’t believe these things, then it is time to study God’s Word until you do. Believe the promises in God’s Word more than you believe how you feel, and don’t ever give up until you have victory. Renewyour mind to new creation realities. Things like you are the righteousness of God in Christ! You are justified and sanctified through the blood of Jesus! You have God-given talents and abilities! God lives in you and He will never leave you or forsake you! When you realize you are a new person, you have a new hope.
When you realize you are a new person, you have a new hope
The person you used to be, the mistakes you used to make, the unjust things that have happened to you, the struggles you used to go through—those things don’t have to hold you back any longer. Don’t walk around telling yourself
I have an anger problem. I just can’t control my temper
. No, that was the old you. God has changed you inside, and you are being transformed by His power within you. You are now a person full of the peace and joy of the Lord. Embrace that person. We start by believing the good news of the Gospel, and then we renew our minds by studying God’s Word, and we start living in the reality of the new person we are in Christ.
Instead of going through life with a victim