My Best Friend's Brother

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Book: My Best Friend's Brother by MJ Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: MJ Thompson
in disgust.
    Still not looking away from the bowl I ask, "What the hell is this?"
    I hear a laugh.
    "It's healthy" Kira answers.
    Looking up from my bowl I start to say, "Do I look like a bir" but I stop when I noticed not only is Robbie here, but Kira, Ricky and to my surprise the twins are sitting across from me, looking very amused.
    I gave them a 'what the hell' look before asking, "How long have you two been here?"
    "Since you first came in." Matt says with his voice full of amusement.
    "So you don't want that?" Nate asks leaning over and grabbing my bowl, taking a mouthful before I have a chance to answer.
    "Hey!" I yell taking my bowl back leaving him with the spoon in his mouth.
    Kira and Matt watch on amused, while Ricky stands up and passes me a clean spoon.
    I accept it, giving him a sweet smile
    "Thanks." I then took a spoon full of the seed into my mouth.
    "Wow this is actually really good." I say with my mouth still half full.
    "I know right." Nate says moving to sit next to me.
    Kira laughed, "I knew you would like it"
    Then she looked to Ricky. "Right I'm going food shopping now. But I'll be back in a couple of hours. So watch your sister." My mouth drops open.
    "Kira! I'm almost 18, not 8. Ricky doesn't need to watch me." I tell her annoyed.
    Then I get an idea. "Anyway Robbie told us that you weren't to leave the house by yourself, just in case" I say trying to hide my smirk.
    "Speaking of Robbie, Where is he?" I ask.
    "At work." Ricky answers for Kira and I nod in reply.
    She grumbles something to herself "Fine, so you coming with me then?" She asks.
    I shake my head "Nooooo way. I busy um.." I say trying to think of an excuse.
    She gives me a suspicious look.
    "Doing?" Ricky asks smirking.
    I look back at him with a glare and then look to Nate who was still sat beside me and gave him a pleading look.
    He crinkles his eyebrows and looks to Matt who is just watching with a knowing smirk.
    Nate lets out a deep sigh. "I am helping her study, before she starts school, because she's behind on a few subjects due to all the constant moving about." Nate blatantly lies to Kira.
    But she seems to buy it.
    "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Kira asks sounding hurt, making me feel kind of bad about lying.
    But I had to do it.
    Ever since she got pregnant her mothering instinct has gone into overdrive that explains why I am now never allowed to be left by myself, plus lots of other things.
    "I'm sorry Kira, I didn't want to stress you." I lie.
    Matt watches still with the same look on his face, while Ricky gives me an unsure look.
    Before she can say anything else I quickly say, "But that's no reason why you can't still go shopping." I look at Ricky and give him a sneaky smile and then look back to Kira
    "Ricky will go with you. He was just saying last night how he missed spending time with you since he went to college"
    "Really?" Kira says in an almost breathless way.
    I nod and before Ricky has a chance to say anything else she smiles and says, "I would love that. Come on Ricky." She stands up. "I'll just be one minute." She added exiting the kitchen.
    I let out a laugh, as does the twins.
    "You are so dead." He growls walking over to me.
    "But didn't you see how happy she was to hear you missed her" I say in a childlike way.
    He stops mid step.
    "Do you wanna break her poor little heart by telling her you don't really wanna go and you don't really miss her?" I say with a pout giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
    He stops and thinks about it before replying "Fine!" Just as Kira walks back in, now wearing her shoes and carrying her handbag.
    "Ready?" Kira asks.
    Ricky reluctantly nods, Kira smiles and starts to walk out calling back. "See you later Hope. Call me or something if you need anything!"
    Kira is out the door before I have chance to

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