    “ Another 'GO'? I'm not a fucking fairground ride...” I kick him hard in the shin,
which kills my toes, encased only in their soft leather jazz
    I storm off.
    I hear him complaining
with pain as I stomp off to the ladies’ changing room, slam the
door, and sit there fuming in the chair.
    If he'd said almost
anything else, such as he wanted me or he found me irresistible,
I'd probably have succumbed. Removed the leotard, there and then,
and offered myself to him, in the studio.
    He knocks on the
    “If your name starts
with an M and ends with an N, fuck off,” I shout.
    He ignores me and
comes in anyway.
    “Sorry, that was a
crass thing to say.” He slides his backside half on the dresser in
front of me.
    “Damn right it was.”
My anger subsides and my eyes start to fill, and the drops spill
    What a horrible mess
we are starting to become. It’s all unravelling.
    “Come here... please?”
He cocks his head to one side and opens his arms. “I've upset
    “It don't take much.”
I rise and he stands and holds me tightly against him.
    “I didn't mean it to
come out that way. I meant to say, if the opportunity arises, and
you end up in my bed again, I pray to God I'm sober.”
    “That's a definite
improvement.” I smile up at him.
    “But, I'm not pushing
    “If it happens, it
    I lift my arm and pull
his head down, his face close to mine.
    “Remember, it's
already happened for me.”
    “Almost, or so you
said, and I've apologised for my dreadful part in it.”
    I shush him.
    “Just kiss me.
    He hesitates to close
the final inch gap between us, and I stand on tip toe, placing my
lips gently on his.
    Our breath mingles,
and a flame of pure excitement floods through me as he pulls me in,
softly rubbing his mouth against mine.
    “Oh Christ...”
    We both moan the same
words together as our mouths open and our tongues sweep across to
taste and explore.
    His hands wind their
way through my hair, tugging at the roots and massaging my
    I pull away, breathing
noisily, my chest heaving up and down. His eyes are dark and his
breathing's matching mine.
    It's an off the scale
gorgeous feeling. I've never been so turned on in my life, as I am
in this moment. Not with Jackson or anyone ever before.
    “I'm not your type...”
I whisper.
    “Oh yes you are.
You're perfect for me.”
    “No one's perfect
    His cheeky grin
appears. “Well I know I am, and you are.”
    “But I have tattoos
and piercings and small boobs.”
    “I really don't care
what size you are or any of that. You're just you. And I like you,
a whole damn lot.”
    This is a whole new
and different Mason. I'm even more in love with this one. If that's
possible. My love and sex switch is on. Fully on, and about to
explode. Things are going to happen.
    I nibble his lip and
hear his harsh intake of breath. My tongue circles his mouth and I
lick my way around to his ear, nipping and sucking at his earlobe.
My fingers are busy, ruffling his hair and scraping my nails over
his scalp. I am so enjoying doing this, and even more, enjoying his
hands roaming beneath my leotard again. Squeezing and rubbing my
ass until I'm fit for nothing and a heated, quivering, moaning
wreck, at his mercy.
    A steady stream of
loud breaths leaves his mouth, surging past my ear. I pull back and
look at him. I want him so badly, my insides hurt. I wish I could
say the words, but I want him to make all the moves.
    He steps away from me,
    “Come on, get dressed.
Let’s go home before I fuck you on the dirty floor.”
    “Maybe I'd like
    “You deserve far
better than a filthy old floor. Silk sheets and champagne.”
    “Your blue duvet will
do just fine for me, Mase. All I want is you. ”
    His eyes hold
    “And I want you,
    We rush out to the
car, full of excitement. I don't know what's going to happen
between us after this, but it's something we need

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