you’ve never seen it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s right in front of you all the time. You may never have known what women thought of you until very recently, but now that you do you can do something about it. It’s the same here. I’m going to teach you how to tell if she is interested so you never need to worry about the prospect of rejection ever again.
It’s much easier than you think, but the trouble is that we are not taught this in school so we are left to flounder around on our own, making so many schoolboy errors that she just can’t understand.
She thinks she is giving you crystal-clear signals and, meanwhile, you’re fumbling around like a teenager with a bra strap. It’s all psychology, so let me share the top five signals of interest that you are almost certainly missing every day.
There are actually six sex sleuth signals but you’ll never be able to say it so here are the top five.
Like I said, when you master these skills, you will never need to worry about rejection ever again. You will know that the coast is clear, perhaps even before she does herself. You’ll be externalizing the right values in exactly the right environment and now that you know who’s buying, you’ll be unstoppable!
Set the game up in your favour and in every social situation every single woman in the place will quickly check you out as soon as you walk in the room. She’ll take in all your externalization signals and will form an opinion, and either throw out ‘not interested’ or ‘come and get me’ signals all over the place. She might not even be aware that she is doing it. But unless you spot them, you’ll have no more clue than a blind man at the Playboy Mansion.
It might all appear like the dark arts at the moment, but very soon it’ll be second nature to you. We men are not genetically programmed the same way as women, and we have to face the reality that when it comes to subconscious signals and how to read them, women are just naturally much better at it than us guys. But we can learn… and if there’s one thing that’ll get your attention in class it’s the hot teacher and, remember, these words are the teachings of some of the world’s most beautiful and desirable women.
Women have to be intuitive. A woman’s ability to pick up on subconscious signals is seriously deeply rooted. Suppose a mother didn’t notice the signs that her baby was hungry or needed to be changed? It would take a long time until the baby could say, ‘Hey Dad, I crapped myself. Going to do something about it?’ She’s got the covert stuffall wrapped up. She can read you like a book and can’t understand why you don’t do the same. The truth is that unless it is spelled out to most guys (as I am about to do for you), then they just don’t get it, and believe me, this frustrates women no end. There she is sitting at the bar giving it everything she’s got with the come-and-chat-to-me signals, and what do you do? You walk straight past her, too self-conscious even to make eye contact. Order a pint and a packet of dry roasted and sit back down with your mates, wondering which bar (changing environment again) you can go to next where you might get ‘lucky’. Meanwhile, she’s left looking for someone else, someone who actually notices her signals and is not afraid to act on them. And you’re left sitting with your pint wondering what he has that you don’t. Nothing other than the ability to spot what’s right under his nose.
Very soon that will be you, too! But first I have to teach you the five key moves that will give her game away every time. The modern woman doesn’t point her perfectly manicured, gel-tipped finger and beckon you over while mouthing, ‘Come and get it’, but the selective seductress is giving out more signals than an epileptic at a semaphore convention.
Don’t just take my word for it. Dr Timothy Perper is one of the most respected researchers into
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