More Confessions of a Hostie

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Book: More Confessions of a Hostie by Danielle Hugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Hugh
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should all get bravery awards, indeed. All the company had sent us were a generic letter that read ‘Thank you for your efforts’. That was about it.
    I don’t do the job for awards or even the acknowledgement of my efforts, but sometimes it helps. I have won a number of awards and commendations over the years for both service and safety related events, and I truly appreciate the recognition I have received from my company – even those few accolades were for minor happenings.
    Damien was very angry with the company that we were not formally commended for the incredible job we did on that sector to Honolulu. However, he didn’t quite verbalise his feelings in such a diplomatic way. Damien is far more cutting than that.
    I do find Damien’s brutal honesty refreshing and his sense of humor devilishly funny. As long as it doesn’t upset too many passengers, it will be fantastic having him come along on this trip. My ‘flying friend’ Mary Gomez recently did a trip with Damien and relayed some typically funny stories about him. Damien had an altercation with yet another passenger. Fortunately this was merely a verbal altercation, not a physical one.
    According to Marry, a woman passenger had been asking a million questions, and she had asked Damien one question too many.
    â€˜What is the captain’s name?’ the woman then asked. By this point, the whole crew, and particularly Damien, had all had enough.
    Damien didn’t bat an eyelid when he replied, ‘Captain Speaking. His name is Captain Speaking.’
    The woman had surprisingly believed him. When she had heard the next P.A. from the flight deck, however, and heard the captain say ‘This is your captain speaking…’ she had realised that Damien had been sarcastic. The rest of the crew had thought it was hilarious, but the woman had become very upset and been unwilling to laugh at the joke.
    Damien often tells me such funny and often shocking anecdotes about himself. Once, on a flight out of India, a passenger had informed him that a young child had used the aisle as a toilet – and not for number one either. It sounds like a far-fetched scenario, but this has happened to me once too, on flight from China. How I handled the situation was a lot different though compared to how Damien did.
    The passenger had told Damien that the child had returned to his mother, who was seated in 28D. Damien marched up to woman and confirmed that she did indeed have a young child seated next to her. Damien read this woman the riot act. She didn’t understand English or what the screaming was about, so he led her to the offending offering left behind in the aisle some rows away. Although the Indian woman was unable to speak English, she vehemently denied that her child had anything to do with the mess.
    Undeterred, Damien gave the woman a pair of gloves and a plastic bag. ‘You clean it up!’ he yelled at her.
    The Indian woman still argued that neither she nor her child had anything to do with the mess, but eventually Damien’s insistence paid off, and the woman reluctantly got down on her knees and cleaned up the child’s excrement. When the woman had finished and disposed of the bag, she returned to her seat, 28D, while Damien walked away feeling victorious. However, the passenger who had informed Damien about the mess approached Damien. ‘You must have misheard me. I said the woman with the child was in 38D, not 28D,’ he said to Damien.
    Damien went to 38D, and sure enough there was another Indian woman there, with several children seated beside her. Damien had made the wrong woman clean up the mess.
    Damien thinks this story is hilarious. I feel sorry for the poor woman.
    I am sure that at times Damien has held onto his job by the skin of his teeth. However, even after twenty years of flying, Damien has not changed one bit, and that is what makes him so likeable. If he is on your good side, he is

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