Say Something

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Book: Say Something by Salice Rodgers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Salice Rodgers
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changed at all. Just the sight of him makes my skin crawl and tears rim my eyes as I remember all the times he told me he hated me and I was in the way of his life. My own mother didn't want to stick around.
    “Well, look at you,” he says and smiles.
    Chills run along my skin, and my stomach is in knots.
    “What do you want?”
    “What I have always wanted. You not to be here.”
    I look around me hoping to see Marshall or Trevor. Neither are in sight. I know I could never make it to the door quietly without him getting to me first.
    “Don't think about running I have no issue snapping your neck in front of them. And I asked my buddy, Frank, to clear the place out. Closed for family emergency,” he says winking.
    I reach my hand in my pocket for my pepper spray, and his hand is around my throat pinning me to the wall.
    “Don't. FRANK, bring me our little friend,” he yells.
    Frank walks around the wall holding Marshall's hands, Tank is at his feet. They walk around the hallway and drop him to the floor. He moans in pain. They have his hands tied and he's blindfolded. I know Marshall told me I couldn't trust them, but I didn't want to believe it. I wanted to think they were the big brother and father I always wanted. It hurts to know the whole time they were working for the one man that hated me more than life itself.
    “Oh my gosh.”
    My father tightens his fingers around my throat and laughs. My eyes water and the room starts to get fuzzy. He lets go, and I drop to the floor. When I try to move towards Marshall, he bends down in front of me.
    “This is how it's going to work, Joslynn. And if you think I am playing games you better take a trip down memory lane and remember I don't play.”
    I spit in his face and try to move past him.
    “I just want to know he's okay. Please.” I look to him and plead with my eyes.
    I know what he wants and I know he will waste no time doing it. If I am going to die I want to at least know that Marshall is alive and okay and has a chance at a life after all of this.
    “He is fine. We just knocked him out. He should be waking up soon.”
    His hand is across my face before I have time to blink. Marshall starts to moan and I breathe a sigh of relief. Tank bends down and takes his blindfold off. Marshall looks around until his eyes lock with mine and I see the shock in his eyes. They slowly find their way to my father and he stills.
    “Joslynn, are you okay?”
    His voice at this time is all I need. The tears rush forward as I nod my head, and I know in that second without a shadow of a doubt I love him. I have always loved him. I put my emotions into my eyes, and he shakes his head. I lower my eyes to the floor and then look back to my father. He's watching us with his smug smile still in place. He sits on the floor in front of me and lifts his beer to his lips taking a sip, closing his eyes and moaning.
    “Ah, isn't this beautiful. Family reunion. As much as I would just love to sit and chit chat I haven't had enough to drink yet so let’s get to the point shall we?”
    “I think we all know what the point is.”
    “Oh my, haven't you gotten cocky over the years. You ruined my life the day you were conceived. I tried to kill you so many times and you wouldn't fucking die! Now I am going to kill you myself. But first I want to have some fun.”
    “Let her fucking go!” Marshall yells.
    As soon as the words leave his mouth Frank kicks him in the ribs.
    “NO! STOP! Frank, look at me! You were like a father to me. Why are you doing this?”
    Frank looks at me and laughs kicking Marshall again. Marshall doubles over and moans. My father laughs with him like this is all fun and games to them. Like this is something a normal father and daughter would do on their down time.
    “Please don't! He has nothing to do with this!”
    My father’s laugh makes

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