Moontide Embrace (Historical Romance)
its height, and many aristocrats found their way to our shores after escaping the flashing blade of 'Madame Guillotine.' It was a gallant age of chivalry, with a stiff code of honor, and many duels were fought over a young lady's favor. A man's honor was sacred, and he stood ready to defend it with his life. There was a saying, in New Orleans, that sums up that period perfectly. 'Rapiers for two, coffee for one.' That was the way of life when I was a girl."
    "I remember you saying that the entertainment was lavish at Bend of the River," Judah declared, noticing the excited blush on his mother's cheeks.
    "Oui. At my father's plantation, hospitality was offered to all of gentle breeding. Often as many as fifty guests would descend on us, and we would entertain them in a lavish style for a week. That was a time of much laughter and gaiety. Before my mother died, she made sure that no food was served twice during those visits."
    "Were you not sorry to give it all up when you married my father?"
    Gabrielle's eyes saddened once more. "No, I never regretted marrying your father—not ever. As I tried to explain to you many times, my father was a proud man — I knew he would think I married beneath my station — and he was a hard man, Judah. If he has ever admitted to making a mistake, I have never heard him. Try to be patient with him, for he is now old. I suspect he wants to make amends."
    Judah doubted it. There had been no evidence of such an intention since their arrival in New Orleans. His temper had not cooled, and he was still not looking forward to meeting his grandfather. "What of your father's brother? You rarely speak of him."
    "Andre was twelve years younger than my father. He was a disappointment to his family in many ways. He was always dueling and drinking, never accepting responsibility. However, he married well according to my father's standards, so he was never in disgrace as I have been. When my uncle was killed in a duel, my father took Sebastian and his mother, Alicia, into his home. Minette told me that my father pinned all his hopes and dreams on Sebastian. She says that father has lately become disillusioned by him as well. I believe this is another reason why he has sent for you. He wants to see if you will live up to his expectations."
    Judah clamped his lips tightly together. There would be no danger of his being accepted by his grandfather. Not after he stood eye to eye with the old tyrant and let him know how much he disliked him.
    Both Judah and his mother lapsed into silence as they watched the keelboat move up the winding Mississippi River. The sounds of the street vendors hawking their wares faded in the distance as New Orleans was left behind and they moved slowly upstream. The earth- colored water flowed in an indecisive manner, past green farmlands and narrow forks half-covered with dense undergrowth amid the lazy bayous. Atop softly rolling hills, grand plantation houses stood as graceful reminders of a genteel lifestyle.
    Against his will, Judah was drawn to the beauty and graciousness of the hillside mansions that lined the water way. The Mississippi valley, with its fertile valleys and rich farmlands, seemed to beckon to him. The beauty of the green meadows was timeless. The melodious sounds of the mimicking mockingbird trilled through the morning air.
    "I am home," Gabrielle murmured. "Like the prodigal son I have returned."
    Before Judah could reply, his mother's eyes sparkled with warmth. "Look, just around that next turn is Bend of the River Plantation!" Her voice rose with excitement as the flatboat maneuvered the curve.
    When the boat passed a wide glade of trees choked with underbrush, it pulled within sight of the huge manor house. Nothing Judah had been told by his mother prepared him for the magnificent sight that met his eyes. The stately mansion was located on a distant cliff over looking the Mississippi. Built in 1725, it was a testament to the finest French architecture. Unlike

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