Money Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 2)

Read Online Money Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Cindy Bell - Free Book Online

Book: Money Can Be Deadly (Sage Gardens Cozy Mystery Book 2) by Cindy Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Bell
Tags: Women Sleuths, Mystery, Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, cozy, Amateur Sleuths
    “No, we don't need Jacob. We need to speak to you.” Samantha decided to say something before Eddy could get more aggressive and frighten Lily. “Weren't you friends with Vince?”
    Lily lowered her eyes a moment. She nodded silently.
    “We are only here to help, Lily,” Samantha spoke in a softer tone. She stepped closer to Lily. “I can only imagine what a shock it was for you to hear the news.”
    Lily looked up at Samantha with tears in her eyes. “I really can't talk now,” her voice trembled with each word.
    “I understand. We're not trying to cause you any trouble, Lily. We just wanted to know if you knew anything about what Vince might have been involved in. Was he in with a dangerous crowd?” Samantha met Lily's eyes with genuine sympathy. But whatever bond Lily had begun to form with Samantha immediately snapped.
    “I said I don't have time to talk. All you want to do is spread rumors. Vince was a good man, and no one should be talking behind his back.” Lily whisked by Samantha. “I have to go.”
    “Lily wait!” Samantha started to go after her, but Eddy grabbed her lightly by the wrist.
    “Don't bother. We're not going to get anything else out of her right now.” He frowned.
    “What are we going to do?” Samantha sighed. “We didn't find anything out.”
    “Samantha, would you say that Lily might just be hiding something?” Eddy's voice held a hint of sarcasm.
    “I'd have to say, yes. The question is, what?” Samantha asked. “She was in an awfully big hurry to get out of here.”
    “Well, then maybe we should follow her.” Eddy pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Care to join me for a drive?”
    “Absolutely.” Samantha smiled. She was chomping at the bit to find out what Lily was up to.
    “Let's hurry,” Eddy said leading her towards the parking lot. Lily's car was just pulling out when Eddy and Samantha got into Eddy's car. Eddy did his best to appear casual and waited a minute before pulling out as well. The road leading out of Sage Gardens was long and had no other turns until it reached the main road. Eddy could afford to leave Lily a little space.
    “Where do you think she's going?” Samantha asked.
    “Maybe to a doctor's appointment. Maybe to meet with a lawyer. Who knows?” Eddy peered through the windshield and kept a close eye on the tail lights of Lily's car.
    “Did you do this often?” Samantha asked.
    “Do what?” Eddy glanced briefly at her.
    “Tail criminals?” Samantha grinned. “You seem very good at it.”
    “Not really.” Eddy chuckled. “My career as a police officer wasn't as exciting as the shows you see on television. Before I became a detective it mostly involved driving around in circles and waiting for a call to come through and then I spent a lot of time investigating and interrogating. But there were times that I was involved in some situations that were quite tense.” His expression grew solemn. “There are moments I wish I hadn't lived, trust me.”
    Samantha grew quiet as she studied his profile. Eddy was often brusque but occasionally he gave her a glimpse of what his inner world was like. She could tell that there were things that haunted him. She hoped that one day he would consider her a good enough friend to confide some of those things. As far as Samantha knew, she, Walt, and Owen, were Eddy's only real friends. He had many contacts in the police department, but none of them seemed to be his friends.
    “I'm sure you had some experiences that you wish you could undo,” Eddy commented turning the car to follow after Lily.
    “I did,” Samantha agreed. “I have to say everything felt tense, you know? Sometimes situations seemed a lot more dramatic than they actually were. But I was always waiting for things to get hairy.”
    “You are one brave woman, Samantha.” Eddy looked over at her with a brief smile. “Or foolish, I'm not sure just yet.”
    “Oh, thanks for that almost compliment.” Samantha laughed. “Oh

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