Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7)

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Book: Missionary Position (Masters of the Prairie Winds Club Book 7) by Avery Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Gale
Tags: Romance, Action & Adventure, BDSM, mfm menage, ex-military, romance menage, ex navy seal
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between them, and even though she looked pale, her grin said she’d heard Tobi’s outburst as well.
    Kyle walked over to Gracie and wedged himself between Jax and his wife before grasping her elbow and leading her carefully over to the bar. Helping her up so she was seated beside Tobi, he slid the small plate of crackers and mild cheese he’d prepared for her over before moving to the refrigerator to get her a glass of milk. “Here you go, Gracie, hopefully this will help settle things down for you. I hated to see you stranded over there between those two laughing hyenas.” She smiled and thanked him, but he noticed she only nibbled at the snack and even though neither of her husbands mentioned it, he knew they’d also noted she wasn’t eating. They all settled into a relaxed conversation as they bantered back and forth about the best way to handle irreverent subs and he was grateful Gracie seemed to relax.
    Jax took the lead explaining to Tobi what they had in mind when they’d asked her to answer Lara’s phone. She seemed disappointed that they wanted her to simply listen as much as possible, and to follow any instructions they gave her during the call. They were all wearing earbuds and would be able to hear everything the caller said so they’d be able to coach her during the conversation. “Tobi, it’s important you say as little as possible in case whoever is on the other end knows Lara well enough to realize you aren’t her. We’ll feed you questions so you won’t have to worry about that. The thing I want you to focus on is keeping yourself in character, it’s awfully easy to say ‘she thinks’ for example instead of ‘I think’. A small slip-up like that can blow an entire operation.”
    Kyle was impressed with how attentively she’d listened to Jax’s instructions and he was glad they’d decided it would be better to let someone besides he or Kent coach her. Too much would be riding on the call, which the alphabet agencies expected, so they needed Tobi to listen and follow orders, and everyone agreed it would probably be easier for Jax to impart the information. Hell, everybody knew how much the little imp liked to challenge both he and Kent, so handing the job over to Jax had been an easy call.
    Just as they finished cleaning up and prepared to move into the suite’s living room, Lara’s phone lit up the word “Dad” and began playing “Papa was a Rolling Stone” by The Temptations. God save me from subs with quirky senses of humor. Micah took off running to the small room where they’d set up their computer equipment and Kyle nodded to Tobi, “You’re up, kitten.”

Chapter Six
    Lara relaxed under the hot water as the shower rained down in muscle massaging pulses gently driving out the tension in her shoulders. Her ass was throbbing from the punishment Fischer had meted out earlier, damn he’d been tough on her and even though she wasn’t thrilled with him, she understood what he’d been trying to do. Lara knew she tended to bottle up her fear and she’d felt herself locking up her emotions as soon as she’d heard her parents were missing. Shuttering her feelings was a habit she’d learned as a child—her parents had been relentless in the admonishments to show no fear and to hold her temper in check.
    Being the only kid in the village with looks that didn’t resemble anyone else’s hadn’t been easy. Her parents had drilled it into her from an early age the importance of not drawing attention to herself, so the ‘pale-skinned kid with the light hair’ wasn’t considered a threat or worse yet—possessed. Every time her family moved into a new area, Lara was forced to hide until her dad could convince the local religious leaders that she wasn’t some demon sent to destroy the integrity of the village and poison the minds of the other children.
    As she’d matured, Lara had wondered more than once if her dad wasn’t paying off the tribal chiefs to keep her off

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