Millionaire M.D.

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Book: Millionaire M.D. by Jennifer Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Greene
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coffee—because something had dropped her off in Oz for a few hours, for darn sure.
    Angel let out a sleepy burp, making Winona smile. Still, she kept on pacing and patting, pacing and patting. Really, her brief sojourn into Oz was downright funny. She’d actually imagined Justin seriously asking her to marry him. Not joking this time. But low-down serious.
    Boy, was that funny.
    So funny that even after the baby fell asleep big time—for the night, she hoped—Winona still couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t sleep. She was as tired as a worn-out hound, yet still pacing the floors in the dark.
    He’d asked if there was a man in her life. And simply couldn’t seem to credit her avowal that there wasn’t.
    At midnight, she prowled to the refrigerator for somemilk—poured out a half a cup, all she had in the house—and carted it back to her bedroom. She climbed in between the cobalt-blue sheets and mounded the pillows behind her head, sipping, staring out the windows at a lover’s moon and a sky full of stars.
    There’d been men. But not in a while. Once she’d realized that she’d been the one screwing up the relationships, she’d backed off from trying. She wasn’t any good at getting close—not in the sack or out of it. Sex wasn’t the only problem, but it was a nuisance of a big one. She had no objections to intimacy, getting naked, big inhibitions, nothing like that.
    She’d just figured, a long time back, that her sweat with intimacy was about abandonment. Being abandoned once in a lifetime was enough. If you had your soul ripped out once, most sane people didn’t volunteer for a repeat experience. But when that translated into a relationship…well. She could lie there beneath a guy. Smile. Make the right movements. Make the right groans.
    In fact, she had.
    Frankly, she thought she was pretty good—if not downright outstanding—at faking it. But there didn’t seem much point. She wasn’t that unhappy alone. She liked her job, her life. She had friends, respect in the community. She liked feeling contained. Safe. So maybe she had a hard time trusting others at a gut level. So what?
    But she hadn’t liked that kiss from Justin. Her lips still felt bee-stung, her nerves sharp-stung even more. She didn’t let go like that. Ever. She never went loopy, dizzy, spinning high with any man—and certainly not for a few ridiculous idiot kisses.
    What the Sam Hill did Justin think he was doing? Kissing her? Offering to marry her?
    Something was wrong with him, she concluded. Bad wrong. Seriously wrong. The idea soothed her. She set down the empty milk cup and curled up under the covers, immediately starting to relax. She simply should have thought thisthrough earlier. If Justin was acting bananas, there had to be a reason for it. Whatever it was, she’d talk to him. Help him. Like the friends they were.
    And she’d reassure him, of course, that she realized he’d never meant that offer of marriage.
    Two mornings later, as Justin drove to the site of the Asterland plane crash landing, his mind was on Winona, not business. Weddings, not plane crashes. Love, not problems. But the closer he got to the scene of the accident, the faster his mood turned grave.
    As of hours after the crash landing, the sheriff had set up a roadblock, both to protect the evidence and to discourage strangers and gawkers. The cop immediately recognized Justin’s black Porsche, though, and waved him on.
    The road ran out within yards, and turned into a desertlike hard pan surface. After spring rains, possibly the land was more forgiving, even decent grazing ground, but right now it definitely wasn’t the most hospitable spot in Texas. Most vehicles could undoubtedly traverse the hard surface, but with his baby, Justin had to slow to a crawl. Finally, the plane loomed in sight. And when Justin finally stopped the

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