Midnight Playground

Read Online Midnight Playground by Eliza Gayle - Free Book Online

Book: Midnight Playground by Eliza Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Gayle
Tags: Erótica
his skin. “I was truthful, goddammit, so quit giving me shit about it. If Eve comes in today, it won’t just be for pictures.”
    “Did you even bother to explain why we held her back from the orgasm she begged for?”
    He kept silent. He didn’t have to answer to Murphy if he didn’t want to. They were business partners first, play partners second. Although the fact they’d been best friends since childhood probably superseded it all.
    “You are one hard man, Chase. Even I couldn’t have resisted her soft pleas for a second more. If I’d held her for two minutes longer, that hot cunt of hers would have been in my mouth. It’s all I thought about last night after I went home. I mean, hell, don’t even ask how many times I jacked off.”
    “You know if she obeyed, and kept her hands away from herself, the pictures I’ll get today will be off the fucking charts. I really might have to ask the client for more.” Chase paced across the room and willed his hands to stay at his sides. The zipper pressing against his engorged dick was going to leave marks. But if he expected her to exercise control, then he’d sure do the same. It was the least he could do.
    “You’re waiting for her, aren’t you?” Murphy looked at him with a narrowed gaze. “Yep, I can see it. The Chase Miller legendary control is hard at work and clawing up your back, isn’t it?”
    “I need her to come back.”
    Murphy sighed deeply. “She’ll be back, and we both know it. Hell, I hope so. I’ve never experienced anyone quite like her. I know she’s not completely innocent, but she has a quality about her. Someone just needs to work through her control issues. It’s no wonder she’s so curious about bondage. Nothing like a little forced helplessness to bring out the inner slut.”
    An idea crawled into Chase’s head, and he hurried back to his desk. He sank into the deep leather chair and swiveled to the computer. The photo he’d been manipulating for the last few hours haunted him. With a computerized paintbrush, he painted on four simple letters and sat back to look at the results.
    “What do you think?”
    Murphy launched himself from the sofa and crossed the room. He peered over Chase’s shoulder and absorbed the last photo he’d taken. Now emblazoned with the word slut.
    “Perfect. It suits her to a tee.” The approval in Murphy’s voice was unmistakable. No wonder they did everything so well together. They’d discovered long ago that they were two sides of the same coin. And in this day and age it was all about balance.
    “Did you already set up the studio?”
    “You know I did.”
    “Now she just needs to show up.” The both glanced at the clock, and Chase frowned. She was already twenty minutes late.

Chapter Seven

    On Chase’s last words, Eve slipped around the corner and leaned heavily on the wall. Her heart raced and heat suffused her cheeks, not to mention all the other areas of her body. After a night of very little sleep, worrying over every little thing she’d done wrong, she’d planned to march right into his office and tell him no more.
    Instead she’d overheard Murphy and him having a conversation. Curious, she’d hovered near the door and listened to every word. Every emotion she could think of had slammed through her during the course of the two men talking. She’d been so wrong.
    They both wanted her as fiercely as she wanted them. Although from the sound of it, they had pretty high expectations of her. Expectations she wasn’t confident she could fulfill. For two years every minute of her life had been about someone else, and she’d somehow lost the ability to let it go. To relax and go with the flow. Instead, all she thought about were responsibilities. The work that never ended and the to-do list never more than a few feet from her side.
    Even she knew how obsessive that sounded.
    Still, every second she stood there her nipples grew tighter and the pulsing in her clit became insistent.

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