Microsoft Word - MeantForEachOther.doc

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Book: Microsoft Word - MeantForEachOther.doc by Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allison
Can I buy you another drink?”
    Billy smiled, asking for an Orange-Stoli Madras. Fucking fruit drinks.
    Three drinks and a lot of boring conversation later, Robert led Billy out of the bar.
    They hopped in a cab and stood inside Billy’s apartment fifteen minutes later.
    Robert closed the door and pushed Billy against the wall, kissing him roughly. Billy opened to him, allowing Robert to drive his tongue deep into his mouth.
    He placed his hand on Billy’s head, pushing him down to his knees. “Suck my cock.” The order was guttural and harsh.
    Billy obediently fumbled with Robert’s belt, unfastening and unzipping his pants.
    When he had worked Robert’s cock out, he hungrily took the whole length into his mouth all at once. Robert sighed, letting out a moan of pleasure. Good little cocksucker.
    Billy ran his tongue in circles around Robert’s cock head each time he withdrew, the nerves along Robert’s shaft became increasingly stimulated.
    Before he got too worked up, Robert grabbed Billy under his shoulders and hoisted him back to his feet. Get undressed and lube yourself up. I’m gonna fuck you good and hard.”
    Billy silently walked toward the bedroom, Robert following, and undressed, not saying a word. “Get the lube.”
    Billy obeyed, leaning across his bed into his nightstand. “Do you want—“
    “I didn’t tell you to speak.” Billy clamped his mouth shut as Robert grabbed the bottle of lube from him and squirted some into his palm. He ran his hand along the crease of Billy’s ass, slowly pushing one finger into his hole, working him open with steady in and out motions. After a minute, he added a second, then a third.
    Robert slid off the bed and walked over to the night table where Billy had gotten the lube. “Are the condoms in the nightstand as well?”
    Billy lifted his head, a glazed expression in his eyes from the sound finger-fuck Robert had given him. He simply nodded without speaking.


    D.H. Starr

    Meant For Each Other
    Robert fumbled with the drawer and took out a condom, tearing the corner of the packet off with his teeth and rolling the latex down the length of his cock. “Are you ready for me yet, cause I’m ready to spear your hole.”
    Billy nodded once again, bringing a grin to Robert’s lips. “Good boy. You’re obedient aren’t you?” Billy raised his ass to better expose his hole to Robert in response.
    Robert positioned himself behind Billy and grabbed his slim hips. He had been right about the hips, they were the perfect size for him to grab hold and guide Billy any way he wished. In one forceful surge, he plunged all the way into Billy, only stopping when his hips slammed against his ass. The loud oh followed by whimpering, sent a thrill through Robert.
    “Slow down kid.” Robert continued the steady rhythm of pounding in and out of Billy’s sweet, young hole. His senses began to cloud.
    Billy moaned. “Oh God. Fuck me harder. Feels so good.”
    Robert slapped Billy’s ass, leaving a red mark where his hand connected with skin.
    “You like me fucking you?” Billy nodded. “You like my cock slamming into that tight little hole of yours?” Robert increased the intensity of his pounding and Billy’s insides began to quiver around his cock as the kid started yipping like a dog in heat. The sense of power and control surging through Robert pushed him closer to his own climax.
    “You’re a good little bottom, Billy. I’m gonna come soon.”
    Billy arched his head back and shouted, “I’m gonna come. You’re making me come.” Billy’s body began to spasm and his tight little ass clenched around Robert’s cock. Feeling the release he had forced out of Billy pushed Robert over the edge. Robert grabbed his slim hips, slamming hard into Billy’s ass, burying himself all the way to the hilt and unloading deep inside. The waves of his orgasm caused his body to jerk as he fell forward on top of Billy.
    Once the aftershock of his orgasm passed, Robert pulled

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