
Read Online Mica by Kate Hill - Free Book Online

Book: Mica by Kate Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hill
Tags: Romance
father?” she asked
    “Because his order to kill thousands of innocent people made no sense. Because I had enough death on my soul. After so many wars, Dame Sun, I saw myself going nowhere.” Mica’s eyes narrowed slightly, a look of frustration crossing his face. “Many were killed so he and the pig he called emperor could live in luxury while commoners starved and I fought myself bloody year after year.”
    “I still can’t understand how you reasoned that for yourself after being raised by him,” Sun stated, rebelling against the idea that this man had truly reformed.
    “My mother raised me until he took me away and stuck me in his damn army.
    Everything was to benefit him. I scarcely saw his face until I was old enough to pick up a sword.”
    “Where’s your mother now?” Sun asked.
    “She died in exile after he took me from her.”
    Once again she resisted the urge to offer him words of consolation. Yet again Blaze saved her.
    “I’m sorry for your loss, but she watches over you,” the Knight said. “She stands behind you now, floating on water. Raven hair and eyes like Mirrored Rock’s.”
    “You can’t really speak with the dead.”
    “Zako. A pig.” Blaze stared past Mica.
    Pale, Mica spun, searching, then turned back to Blaze. “Go on.”
    “Zako’s blood on your father’s hands. He laughs.”
    Mica wrinkled his nose. “Zako laughs?”
    “No. Your father. He stands by the pool’s edge.”
    “Why are you doing this? This can’t be true.”
    “Your father learned little in his life. He walks alone in death waiting to be reborn.”
    “Reborn,” Sun snarled. “The Spirit wouldn’t be so cruel to the rest of us.”
    “We each have lessons to learn, daughter.” Blaze shook his head as if clearing it of images then focused on Mica. “I didn’t intend to cause pain, but I see what they show me.”

“Who the hell is Zako?” Sun demanded.
    “A pet. A pig, given to me by my uncle on my mother’s side. My father slaughtered him and forced me to eat him.”
    Sun felt a little sick.
    “Deeper damnations had been conjured by the enforcer of terror,” Blaze murmured softly, his expression sympathetic. “That was mild for him, was it not?”
    The Knight’s handling of people never ceased to amaze Sun.
    “What he did to me was nothing compared to what he did to some others.” Mica glanced at Sun. “How can I complain after what he did to you?”
    “I said before I don’t need your lousy sympathy.”
    “Your mother worries for you still,” Blaze said. Before he could continue, Mica shook his head, his expression fierce. A sad smile touched the Knight’s lips. “Forgive me. I lose myself in the spirit world.”
    “It must be difficult for you. You cope with seeing the dead far better than I would.
    Can you talk back to them?”
    Blaze looked almost pained. “Better not to try. They never listen, but they love to talk. So I hear and I tell. Sometimes I almost tell too much.”
    Mica smiled. “Let’s finish our swim, then I’ll make tea.”
    The High Advisor stepped into the chamber. “Forgive the intrusion, but Sir Blaze and I spoke earlier in the hallway about the sculptor who created several statues in the guest rooms. He’s here now, and I thought you might like to speak with him.”
    “Very much.” Blaze hurried out of the water and slipped on his robe.
    The Advisor glanced at Sun. “Dame, would you like to join us?”
    “I don’t mean to sound rude, but I’d rather stay here and swim for a while.”
    “Please enjoy yourself.” Kado nodded, escorting Blaze out of the chamber.
    Turning to Mica, Sun realized she had just made a terrible mistake. Now she was alone with the Holy Man. Alone, half-naked, and floating in a pool of warm, soothing water.
    “Would you care for tea, Dame Sun?”
    She spun, her heart pounding. Mica stood so close that his chest grazed her breasts.
    Heat even greater than the hot spring enveloped her. By their own accord, her nipples

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