
Read Online Tryst by Jordan Silver - Free Book Online

Book: Tryst by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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want? we tended to avoid each other like the plague, only getting together when it involved our daughter, and since she’s lived with me we hadn’t had to have one of these little meetings. I answered the phone expecting her to fuck with the rest of my already fucked up day.

Chapter 6
    Almost a month and I’m still pinching myself. It seems so surreal sometimes, like something I dreamed up like I used to when I was a kid. But no, this was no dream, I could still feel him leaking out of me, he cums a lot. I would’ve cleaned up after but he likes me to carry his scent all day, so I only brush my hair and clean up my thighs from being so sticky. Everything else stays as is.
    I can’t say that I hate the feeling, I kinda like the fact that I’m walking around in the open with part of him inside me. it usually takes a few hours for the glow to wear off, and lately I was beginning to think that some of my classmates might be growing suspicious of what I’ve been getting up to in the afternoons. It sure beat cheering practice, which I no longer missed.
    Anyway I know that some people have noticed the change in me and though no one has said anything as yet, it’s only a matter of time. Some days I’m sorely tempted to take matters into my own hands and just tell Crystal the truth. But then I remember how new our relationship is Gabe’s and mine, and I get cold feet.
    What if he gets so mad that he can never forgive me? And what if like he says, she’s completely against it? would he leave me? he says no but I don’t have a very good track record with anyone being loyal to me.
    Am I being selfish to want him to let the world know we’re in love? I don’t think so. I do have a little resentment against Crystal for standing in the way of that but can you blame me? She’s his daughter not his wife, why should it matter to her who’s in his bed?
    She’s my friend, but she can be a tad bit selfish where her dad’s concerned. If I wasn’t so in love with him, if I were just out for a good time the way I thought this thing was gonna go when it first started, I would be okay with that, but my heart was involved.
    He says he understands but then he has me playing the waiting game. I wasn’t being this way because my own father was a dick who only remembered me when he was drunk and needed a punching bag while mom was at work.
    We were the clichéd white trailer trash, everyone who knew us looked down their noses at us, that’s when they weren’t feeling sorry for us. I didn’t set off to land myself a rich guy. Okay maybe I’ve had moments when I daydreamed of some white knight coming to my rescue and taking me away from my misery, but I had outgrown that shit by the time I was twelve, which was about the time I learned that life was not a fairytale.
    I’ve done everything I can to distance myself from my family’s legacy of waste and no good shiftless assholes both males and females. I wanted more for myself and had figured out that my way out was through school.
    When I first realized that the one thing I was really good at could be used as my ticket out of this hell I went after it with everything I had. Cheerleading was something I’d gone after because I was tired of the other girls snubbing me when I knew I could be better than they were. They weren’t too pleased when I outshone their asses and they were even more pissed when their star quarterback came sniffing around.
    Him I sent back when I realized he had only one thing on his mind. I’d let him get as far as sticking his fingers inside me, but that was it. When I learned that he liked to share way too much with his teammates when I walked up on him unawares, that was the end of that.
    I didn’t need to be doing that shit anyway, that’s how mom ended up stranded here in a dead-end job with a husband who’d as soon beat the shit out of her as love her. She’d been the pretty cheerleader too and he one of the jocks on the team

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