Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Read Online Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) by Joyce Jordan - Free Book Online

Book: Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) by Joyce Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Jordan
was already a long line outside the club. As they walked to the front of the line they heard some people on line grumble. Ben saw them and opened the door for them.
    “Wow! Remind me to tell Sam never to quit his job. This may be enough reason for me to come back to Miami. Free entrance into the club and royal treatment too. Can’t get better that this.”
    “Except free drinks. And unfortunately Sam refused to pay our tab for that.”
    “Yeah, but I am sure we can get a few guys to buy a few drinks here and there,” Serenity replied as they checked their coats before aiming for the bar. The club was already pumping, the music loud and shaking the floor.
    “I need a couple of shots before I go on the dance floor,” Moira said as they found a couple of empty stools.
    Serenity screamed like a little girl when they heard a voice behind them say, “My favorite girls finally made it.” They both turned to find Jeff Myers grinning and opening his arms wide for them. Serenity jumped into his arms and Moira rolled her eyes.
    “My favorite almost boyfriend,” she replied. “ Moira told me you would meet us here. How are you doing?”
    “You know me. I am a survivor, although I am not so sure how long I am going to survive with the murderous eyes I have been getting lately from my boss,” he replied.
    “Why would your boss want to murder you? Unless… did you came onto his wife or girlfriend?” Serenity asked.
    Jeff looked at Moira and found her squirming in her seat. “Moira you want to tell your friend here what’s going on?”
    “She knows. Besides nothing is going on. And I don’t need that shit today. We came here to have some fun. So you are either in or out.”
    “Fa ir enough. We can talk about that some other time. I’ll buy you your first round,” he said and called the bartender.
    Moira did three back to back shots then made her way with Serenity to the dance floor. It wasn’t packed yet, so they found space easily and were soon dancing. A couple of guys soon found permanent spots next to them. Feeling thirsty Moira made her way back to the bar for a glass of water. The guy dancing with her followed and introduced himself, but Moira didn’t catch his name. Didn’t matter because she didn’t expect to be going home with him. Besides he wouldn’t even make it through the front door with Sam. Moira wondered how she had even managed to have and keep boyfriends before. It seemed Sam wanted to keep her a virgin, in his mind he probably thought she still was.
    “So you want to come home with me?” her dance partner asked. Moira looked him up and down and saw the arousal that his tight pants could not hide. If she were another girl she might have been flattered by it. But seriously, after one dance, and not even a drink, he already wanted her in his bad?
    “ No, she is not coming home with you. Bugger off,” brother Sam to the rescue said as she was about to tell the guy off herself.
    “She is with me. Who are you?” her dance partner asked.
    “Someone you don’t want to mess with,” Sam replied and moved into his personal space.
    Before he could reply, a couple of security men had joined them and fortunately her dancer partner realized what was going on and raised his hands in surrender and left.
    “Thanks. But I was handling him,” Moira huffed.
    “I know, just wanted to spare you the hassle,” he smiled back. “I see you are drinking water. You need it after that danceshow you and Serenity were putting on.”
    Moira laughed. “You should have joined us,” she teased him. “On second thoughts, maybe not a good idea. You would have scared all the guys away. Serenity is still pumping and grinding. That girl doesn’t get tired.”
    “I need to go to the other club at the hotel. Do you girls want to stay or come with? I can pick you up after my shift later,” he said.
    “Do we get to take a tour of the hotel? Just one or two rooms only,” Moira asked jumping. “I have heard so much

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