and looked at him, realizing my mistake too late. “Shit.” His features shifted from anger to concern. “Goddammit.” I couldn’t get the key out. Nothing was cooperating today, not Evans-Sterling, not Martin, and not the damn lock. I kicked the door with my good leg in frustration.
“Here. ” His voice was gentler now as he reached out and maneuvered the key out of the lock and proceeded to unlock my door.
“Please, just go away ,” I begged, feeling absolutely defeated as I entered my apartment. My hand was on the butt of my gun, and I performed a quick walkthrough of my apartment, making sure there were no other intruders present. Martin was in my doorway, watching curiously.
“I’m not going anywhere until you explain what the hell is going on .”
“Then get inside and close the door before the rest of the neighborhood sees you here.”
Martin entered my apartment, looking around casually. He had never been inside before, and I felt like a panda at the zoo with the way he was surveying everything. My door was bolted, and my newly purchased icepacks were in the freezer.
“Migh t as well make yourself at home.”
“Thanks for being so hospitable,” he replied sardonically, taking a seat at my kitchen table and waiting for me to say or do something. I was running through scenarios, trying to determine the best way to deal with the situation. Pulling out the chair across from him, I sat down and slowly took off my sunglasses.
“Don’t say anyth ing,” I instructed because the last thing I wanted at this moment was sympathy, concern, pity, or whatever it was Martin was going to decide he should utter. His green eyes were speaking volumes on their own. “I was asleep and missed the meeting. I’m sorry. I should have called or remembered. Yesterday was crazy. My flight was delayed sixteen hours, but you’re already aware since you thought to send Marcal to come and fetch me.” My words were biting, and I couldn’t be bothered to keep the contempt from my voice.
“I t hought you could use a ride.”
“ No, you thought if you supplied a ride, I would call you. But just so you know, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” I put my hand up to keep him from speaking. “I don’t need you, Marcal, or anyone else stopping by here or at the airport or wherever. I’ve got enough to worry about without having to worry about anyone else getting caught in the crossfire.” As I spoke, I realized I was too stubborn to back off from tracking down the real painting and hopefully nailing Ski Mask to the wall in the process. “You being here, really not a good idea right now.”
“Why?” Martin could be so clueless. Some shock value might drive my point home. He was a showman at heart, after all. I got up from the chair and moved to my front door.
“Because when I got home yesterday , I was grabbed here,” I put my hands behind my back, “and shoved here.” I pantomimed the movements. “Where a man sitting in the exact same spot you’re in right now pointed a gun at me and threatened to kill me if I didn’t back the fuck off. Then I got my face slammed into the wall right here.” I slapped the surface with my palm. “So perhaps today isn’t a great day for you to show up, uninvited and unannounced.” It was overly dramatic, but he needed to understand this was the world in which I lived.
“Alex,” he stood up, “I didn’t know.”
“That’s right, you didn’t know. You shouldn’t know, and you shouldn’t be here because I don’t know who the hell they are or what they want. If they know who I am and where I live, just imagine how tempting it must be for them to find a few more targets to focus on.” I stared fiercely into his eyes.
“That’s even more reason w hy you shouldn’t be by yourself.” He reached the completely wrong conclusion to my story. “Did you call Jabber or O’Connell?”
“No, I didn’t call Mark.” Asking
Jude Deveraux
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Virginia Wade
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