Mexican Fire

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Book: Mexican Fire by Martha Hix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Martha Hix
the time of his brother’s arrest, he had been in New Orleans, making his living at the gambling tables and waiting for his land grant in Texas to be approved. After years of the high life, he had been ready for ranching and the quiet, steady life.
    When word arrived of his brother’s trouble, Reece had ridden hard for Texas. Provisional Governor David Burnet had too much on his mind to worry over one political prisoner. Five thousand well-armed and well-provisioned Mexican soldiers were bearing down on less than two hundred ragged, starving, ill-equipped but determined freedom fighters at the Alamo.
    Reece caught war fever. By God, he wouldn’t put up with the atrocities Mexico was wreaking on the settlers As a tracker, Reece served under Sam Houston’s command. And he did his part at San Jacinto, though General Houston had hushed up his contribution. After Antonio had capitulated, Reece had been ready to ride for Mexico and find Garth. But the Texan commander had had a different idea.
    â€œLook for your brother, but help Texas while you’re doing it. I need someone to keep a close eye on ole Santa Anna.”
    â€œI want to get into Mexico. I won’t pussyfoot around—”
    Houston took a plug from his always ready jug of corn. “You ought to know they don’t cotton to our kind. You’d be slaughtered before you got past Matamoros. What good would you be to Colby? Listen to me, and listen good. The only hope you’ve got is to have a Mex on your side. Santa Anna is your best bet. Now, they’re not gonna like him when he gets home, but that’ll change. You mark my words. He’ll be leading that country again. I wanna know every time he so much as sneezes, hear me, goddammit? And while you’re helping me, help yourself.”
    Reece itched to serve Texas, but it took a couple of hours of contemplation before he agreed to the ruse. He ached to liberate his brother, but duty to Texas had to come first. Thus, he couldn’t steal through Mexico, charging the prisons. He became Antonio López de Santa Anna’s savior, then adviser. Over and over and over again, he had swallowed his bile while playing the role. The diminutive Mexican had given Reece his trust, allowing him to be privy to his plans and schemes. These were shared with Sam Houston, now President of Texas.
    Then Texas had been dealt an ace. Reece’s distant cousin, a yeoman under Admiral Baudin’s command, had arrived with the French fleet. Not only were they keeping the Mexicans occupied and away from disputed lands between the Bravo and the Nueces, Baudin provided a courier to relay Reece’s reports. Sam Houston had insisted Reece share his information with Baudin and the prince who would be emperor of Mexico.
    That was the duty part of Reece’s mission.
    On the personal side, after all those long, laborious months of waiting with Antonio for an open berth to Mexico, he was finally in a position to begin a clandestine search for his brother.
    And wouldn’t you know it, fate intervened and undermined his concentration. Fate, hell. Lust had gotten the better of him. Everything had been all cut and dried before that black-haired, black-hearted Jezebel had captured his imagination. Too often Alejandra had crowded his thoughts when he should have been attending to business.
    â€œI’d better be more careful protecting our ally,” he said, “or Baudin will quit providing me a courier.”
    Reece ignored Pepe’s fairly correct pronunciation of the name. Continuing with English, he said, “Until I’ve accomplished my aims, I’ve got to be more Mexican than you Mexicans.”
    Puzzled, Pepe wiggled in his chair and brought a sandaled foot to the seat, then scratched his ear.
    â€œDon’t get me wrong,” Reece continued, “I’ve got nothing against the citizens of this land. For the most part, you’re a fine people.

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