Mercy: Second Chance Military Romance

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Book: Mercy: Second Chance Military Romance by Abbi Hemp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Hemp
Tags: Second Chance Military Romance
tender, pink flesh. Tingles radiated throughout my body.
    I remembered the explosion in Afghanistan and laughed. He stopped and looked up at my face, looking so cute and preoccupied with pleasing me.
    “What’s so funny?”
    “It’s nothing. I was just hoping there’s not an explosion before we get to it this time.”
    He rubbed my thighs with his hand a few times, saying nothing, then stood. I saw his massive cock bouncing up and down in front of him like a young sapling.
    I watched intently as he covered it with a condom. He crawled on the bed. I scooted back, spreading my legs and expecting the moment.
    He held himself up with one huge arm and held his cock with the other hand, positioning it for penetration. I stared up into his eyes.
    While the pleasure so far had been incredible, I noticed other feelings as I stared at him. Never to be one who believes in wishy-washy love, I pushed them aside.
    His cock penetrated me. Everything else faded away. I saw his face and felt his hard, thick cock sliding in and out of my wet pussy like we were made for each other.
    As I stared at his face, I ran my hands down his back to his ass cheeks. They were so hard and strong, just like the rest of him. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips.
    I forgot about thinking of my decision as a mistake and enjoyed the moment. He thrust in and out of me, faster and harder, sending chills through my entire body.
    “Don’t stop,” I begged, so close to coming.
    The desperation on his face pushed me over the edge. My pussy tightened around his thick cock as my whole body shook. He continued pounding me as I moaned in pleasure.
    “Fuck. Yes…”
    His words made no sense, but I understood what he meant as his face scrunched up. He grunted and thrust into me one final time.
    “Yes…” he hissed, breathing heavy.
    Slowly, his thrusts stopped. He stayed inside me, staring into my eyes. Fear washed over me in that moment. What the hell am I doing? This guy is practically a stranger .
    “Get off,” I said, propping myself up with my elbows.
    “What’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled out.
    I looked to the wall, wanting to see anything except his face, those blue eyes.
    “This was a mistake,” I said, still looking away.
    “Mistake? What do you mean? You wanted…”
    “I know,” I snapped, cutting him off. “Will you please just leave?”
    Guilt and shame mixed, forming an emotional cocktail I wasn’t ready to deal with, not with him still naked in my bed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him crawl off the bed.
    “What the hell?”
    “Just go please,” I said.
    “You wanted this too. I thought…”
    His voice trailed off. I pulled a cover over my naked body.
    Why am I so ashamed right now?
    Tears welled up in my eyes.
    “Will you please just leave? I’ll call you later.”
    I glanced up at him.
    “Whatever…Where’s your bathroom?”
    “There,” I said, pointing.
    “This is messed up.”
    I said nothing, a melting pot of emotions going through my body.
    “You’re making me feel used,” he said in a joking tone, still not taking me seriously.
    “Welcome to my world,” I said angrily. “Please leave, okay?”
    He grabbed his clothes then left the room. Tears flowed.
    Why the hell am I crying? That was so wonderful.
    The fact I did not understand why I was so upset made it much worse.
    When I heard him leave a few minutes later, practically slamming my front door, I laid back and cried, letting everything out. It wasn’t him, but he had opened a floodgate that would not be closed easily. The mix of joy and sadness confused the hell out of me.
    All my problems had started after I got back from Afghanistan. What had happened over there? I had seen brutality, the mistreatment of women and so much more.
    None of my life made sense after I had returned from the dirty, dusty, crazy country known as Afghanistan. Gradually, the tears dried up, but I still felt bad.
    Tyler will never speak to me again. Not after that

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