Mercy: Second Chance Military Romance

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Book: Mercy: Second Chance Military Romance by Abbi Hemp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbi Hemp
Tags: Second Chance Military Romance
and smiled as I walked up to the door and opened it. I walked over to him and sat down.
    “What’s up, bro?” he asked, more jovial than I remembered him.
    “Same old, same old. What’s up with you?”
    A waitress walked up, pad of paper at the ready to take our order. He ordered a coffee with no sugar or milk. I did the same. When she left, he looked across the table.
    “I’m looking for a partner.”
    “I don’t want to be part of any of your schemes.”
    He laughed.
    “Damn, bro. Jump to conclusions often? This is totally legit.”
    “Yeah? What is it?”
    “I’m starting a security company. I’ve already got three big name clients lined up, and I need to find people like you who I can trust.”
    “You want to hire me?” I shook my head. “Not interested.”
    “No, bro. I need a financial partner.”
    “Oh, so you want my money.”
    “Well, yeah, but you too. I like how you think things through all the time. We made a good team back in Afghanistan.”
    I took a deep breath and shook my head.
    “It’s not for me. Not now.”
    Do not tell him about hunting down Mercy.
    He stared into my eyes, his brow furrowed as he studied me.
    “Will you at least think about it? I’ll write up an official proposal with all the terms and details.”
    “You can do that, but I’m telling you I’m not interested.”
    “Before you even know the details, bro? That doesn’t sound like the Tyler I remember.”
    “We all change. At least some of us do.”
    “Harsh, bro, but fair.”
    The waitress returned with our coffee. I took a sip while glancing out the window. Several people passed by, wrapped up in their own worlds, oblivious to anything else.
    I finished my coffee as quickly as possible, ready to leave. If Mercy called, I didn’t want to be anywhere near Roger or his crazy plans, legit or not.
    The mystery of the night before continued to play itself out in my mind as I sought answers. Roger rambled on about something or other, but I tuned him out.
    After I drank the last of the bitter brew, I slid the cup to the center of the table then stood. He glanced up, making eye contact. I hated everything about him.
    “I’m leaving,” I said. “You can email me the information, but I’m probably not going to change my mind.”
    “At least read the shit, bro. You can do that for me, right?”
    “Yeah, I’ll read it. Thanks for the coffee.”
    “Still a cheap bastard, huh?” he said then laughed.
    I turned and walked to the door, already wrapped up in my thoughts. The image of her face when I first pushed my cock into her pussy flashed through my mind as I walked home, deciding what to do next.


    When I got back to my apartment, I called Harris, my old bunkmate in Afghanistan. We hadn’t talked in almost a year, but with everyone else from Afghanistan coming back into my life, I figured I should search him out too. Maybe he had the answers I sought.
    “Hey, Tyler. Long time no hear.”
    “Yeah, I’ve been laying low since I got out.”
    “I hear you. What’s up?”
    “Want to grab a beer? I’ve got some stuff I want to talk out.”
    “Oh no,” he said, chuckling. “More of your crazy theories on the origin of the universe or why oranges are the perfect fruit?”
    I smiled.
    “You remember all that shit?”
    “Dude, we spent so many hours together. Your stories and monologues kept me going.”
    “Glad I accomplished something over there. Let’s grab a beer tonight.”
    “I had some plans, but I’ll change them. Where do you want to meet?”
    “Let’s go to that joint down Seventy-Fifth Street. What was the name?”
    “The Irish Paddler?”
    “Yeah, that was it. We met there before we shipped out. Remember?”
    “How could I forget. One of the craziest nights of my life.”
    “I don’t think we’ll get that crazy tonight.”
    He laughed.
    “That’s what you always say. I’ll meet you there around seven. That

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