Mending Hearts

Read Online Mending Hearts by Brenda Kennedy - Free Book Online

Book: Mending Hearts by Brenda Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Kennedy
Tags: Romance, Military, love, abuse of prescription drugs, recovery addictions
me,” Bobby boasts.
    “ Not that night, I wasn’t,”
Alec jokes. 
    “ Can we talk about something
else? I don’t want to remember that night,” Leah says. Although she
is smiling, she looks a little sad.
    “ That’s when I got this.”
Bobby points to a small scar over his right eye. “The blood
interfered with my vision and was a major reason I lost. All right,
Sweets. We can talk about whatever you want.” Bobby winks at his
wife and I have to smile.
    “ Thank you. Alec, if you’ll
see that Molly gets his number, we would appreciate it.”
    “ We’ll make sure she gets
it. She needs all the support she can get,” I say.
    “ Thank you,
    We finish our coffee and talk about Mason
and Alec going into business together and Bobby and Alec talk about
sports training and boxing. Leah and I talk about my recent
engagement to Alec, and she tells me how blessed she is to have
Robert home.
    We walk out of the restaurant together and
we all wait for the valet. I watch as Bobby holds his wife’s door
open for her. Alec wraps his arm around me, and I cuddle into him.
“Did you have a good evening?” 
    “ I did. It was wonderful.
Thank you.” 
    Our car pulls up and Alec opens my car door
for me. “I have a surprise for you for your birthday,” he says as I
get into the car. “We’ll need childcare for 24 hours,” he adds as
he shuts my car door. He walks over to settle up with the valet
before he looks over his shoulder and smiles at me. I get those
butterflies low in my belly again.
    After he gets in the car, he drives off and
doesn’t look at me. “Are you going to tell me where we are going
for my birthday?” 
    “ No,” he says without
looking at me. 
    “ Are you at least going to
give me a hint?” 
    He smiles at me and says, “We’ll need a
babysitter for 24 hours.” 
    I laugh. “You already told me that. May I
have another hint?” 
    “ Pack something sexy.” He
    “ Alec?” 
    “ Emma?” 
    “ Is that all you’re going to
tell me? To pack something sexy and we’ll be gone
    I watch as he smiles his All-American smile.
    On Monday morning Alec’s phone rings
precisely at 8:00 am. The kids are having waffles and sausage at
the table, while Alec and I are finishing up our coffee.
    “ Alec here,” he says as he
always does when he answers his phone.
    “ She’s right here, hold
    “ Raelynn, it’s your
    I watch as Raelynn excitedly reaches for her
dad’s cell phone. “Mommy!” 
    Alec watches and listens to everything being
said. Even with a phone call he is very protective of his daughter.
I stand up to get Bobby’s business card from my purse. I hand it to
him and he nods. With Brooke and Brice’s business growing, Alec and
I have started taking the kids to their grandparents so they can
watch them. Sam and Bridget have claimed James as one of their
grandchildren and he loves it. I have to admit I love it, too. They
are wonderful people and are very good to Alec, me, and both of the
kids. I have to wonder if this will change when Molly comes home.
How is this all going to work with Molly there? 
    I sit down and put James’ shoes on for
    “ Ok, mommy, I will. I love
you, too,” Raelynn says before she hands Alec his phone back to
    “ Rae, get your shoes on,”
Alec tells her. 
    “ Ok, daddy,” Rae says as she
skips out of the room. 
    I listen as Alec talks briefly to Molly
about her treatment. Right before he hangs up the phone, he tells
her that Bobby wants her to call him when she can. He hangs up the
phone and says, “The detox symptoms are done and now she is doing
the 12-step program.” 
    “ What is that, exactly?” I
    “ It’s where they teach them
how to avoid recurrent drug use, avoid temptation, and I believe,
how to move forward from their addiction. She’ll never be able to
get her nursing license again, but maybe she can become a
motivational speaker or a drug

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